Bring Jay Wilson back & delay D4 for a couple years

What has happened to Blizzard? How do they keep failing like this and think it’s ok? Now I understand why so many rats keep leaving this sinking ship.

We’ve all said plenty about Jay Wilson in the past, but he was responsible for D3’s replayability factor, he set the stage for it.

He gave us 5 great classes and provided years of replay value. Each class was a vast improvement over its ancient predecessor, and more importantly they felt new because in many ways they were. When you got bored of one class you could easily jump into another and experience something you hadn’t experienced before.

Jay’s successors built more upon that with the Crusader and the Necromancer (kinda), and D3 itemization woes aside, there is no denying that.

Now look what they’ve given us in D4. They went down the laziest of the lazy roads: they copy/pasted the same boring classes from a 23 year old fossil of a game. They didn’t even TRY to pretend like this is something different or new.

As if we haven’t already played those boring classes to death in D2 and then have them brought back in D2R, they gotta shove them down our throat in what’s supposed to be a BRAND NEW game, one that we have been waiting for a decade for.

If they had even remixed the skills a little bit, that could’ve given us something sort-of-new to play class-wise, like what MedianXL had done for D2 back in the day. But they think attaching feeble little “enhanced” branches will make any real difference. You’d think they would’ve learned something from the plethora of failures of the Immortal team, who did the exact same thing: copy/paste all the D3 classes into it instead of making a teensy weensy effort to be innovative.

Well, what that managed to accomplish is make me get a FULL refund, for starters. I didn’t pay 140 bucks to play the same boring crappy classes from a 23 year old fossil. I paid to play something NEW, but that’s clearly too much to expect from a Blizzard game these days. And I’m not about to wait several years for them to just copy/paste more boring crappy classes from D2 and say “here’s your overpriced new class DLC”.

And it also killed any long-term replayability D4 would’ve had if its game director wasn’t so lazy. And all that time spent designing this oh-so-wonderful game world = WASTED.


I cannot tell if serious or not.


Look around you. Everyone hates the copy/pasted D2 classes.

JW can fix that. And if he can stay out of Facebook altogether, he’ll do just fine. A complete class redesign will take a while, but it’s exactly what D2 V3 needs.

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Exactly. Even though many fantastic systems of D3 like Greater Rifts and Adventure mode came after he left, he gave amazing set of 5 initial classes with creative and diverse skills.
He also made we can respec build at will which is incredible even though many D2 loyalists don’t like it.

But his social interaction skill with community was very bad resulting in him being branded egoistic.

It’s a shame that D4 team played to the vocal D2 loyalists who regularly cries their lungs out for anything other than D2 by bringing 4 out of 5 classes from D2. D4 Gameplay is obviously D3. MMO aspects is similar to D Immortal.

With D4, blizzard is trying to please D2, D3 and DI players at once. It’s tough. Beta doesn’t give complete picture. Let’s see what happens in June after the release.

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People who like the current Diablo 3& Diablo Immortal seem to have no clue.

Jay Wilson didn’t bring that, Diablo 3 pre 1.08 was a brutal nightmare that dropped casuals brutally. Most couldn’t even get halfway through the game ecven with brought gear. Jay Wilson’s only real rcontribution creatively was to make it look like World Of Warcraft and add a unicorn level because his daughter wanted it.

Josh Mosquera is responsible for whatever that game is today.

Also the classes are nothing like D2, even the Necro is basically a copy and pasted D3 Necro, even uses the same assets.


We call them fossils, because that’s exactly what their favorite game & opinion are. Antiquated fossils, completely irrelevant.

And look at them now, D2 V3 (because I refuse to call it D4) is failing as hard as Immortal, if not harder.

Oh the D2 V3 Necro is even worse than the D3 one. I still can’t wrap my head around HOW they managed that.

Play the beta just like I did & then get back to us about that.


There wasn’t that much unique about the D3 classes which is why they shoved out the Necromancer to placate people.

WD was a poor man’s Necro.

Barb was a Barb, a class you either like or find boring.

DH was a sit and spin class that was some goofy take on an edgy Amazon.

Crusader was Paladin Lite.

Monk was an Assassin with more skills and holy stuff.

Jay didn’t make anything unique, not to mention D2 had been out ages before D3 even finished… D3 was a mess. There’s a reason why it lost most it’s players and why D4 was made differently.


Let me fix this for you: Bring back Blizzard North & delay D4 for a couple years


The less we have to do with D2, the better. So NO THANKS.

And they haven’t created a single game since D2 that is worth more than 15 bucks.

And yet WD is way more fun to play than either Necro versions.

D2 Barb is boring, D3 Barb is fun. The game engine also has something to do with it. Great combat.

Not until that stupid set came out. Before that it was all BOOM BOOM BOOOOOOOM.

Paladin is a weak :cat: hiding behind his stupid auras. Crusader gets in your face and pummels the holy cow out of you. That’s why they’re the ELITE.

And yet Monk is miles ahead of the Assassin in terms of fun.

Funny you haven’t said anything about the Wizard, which serves to prove my point even further.

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Tell that to PoE which destroyed D3 and is still going strong. That is apparently what most players want from an ARPG based on numbers alone.

Blizzard doesn’t release player numbers, and I don’t know if POE does either.

So, less pulling numbers out from where the sun don’t shine & more providing hard evidence.

There is something called steam charts. PoE is on steam. If you want to hide behind blizzards lack of disclosure as your own personal mantle of ignorance, be my guest, but other people with functioning cognition will use google analytics, metrics, etc. to come to their own conclusions.


yeah…that died when actiblizz happened. There isn’t anything rezzing that.

IIRC even if merger happens…Bobby found a way to be around. at some point d4 will have to give up those tithes for new yachts. Beyond battle pass even.

Blizzard bragged about player numbers until it was called out that they were counting people logging in multiple characters as different people logging in.

D3 took a nose dive in players within the first week and never recovered.

You brag about how great D3 was and it’s class design but it’s those features that are what people complain about the most. In fact the biggest thread here complaining about D4 is complaining D3 stuff was brought over.\

D3 wasn’t Diablo in design, atmosphere or character. Even if Jay didn’t kill off Cain the game would still be throttled due to it’s over the top arcade like play which didn’t make for anything exciting. Unless filling your screen with flashing lights and sounds is somehow deep gameplay.

As for the wizard, there was nothing special about it. Hell, the classes weren’t even finished when D3 launched because half the animations never made it into game.


I’m pretty sure this must be a troll topic, considering that Jay Wilson is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to the Diablo franchise. Almost everything that made D3 a dumbed-down snoozefest you could play with your brain turned off, we have him to thank for.



you are right, but I cucked myself when I bought this games collector edition, so I am obligated to still have hope

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Not that I disagree with regards to how good it is, but max player count in POE barely reached six digits. I mean if you want to say based on numbers alone.

Diablo 3 sold 6 million copies in the first year (I think it was actually like the first month + preorders), so easily concurrent players well over a million. It’s not them that are hiding behind numbers, it’s your own ignorance.

They probably can’t at this stage, as they are going for a mid market product and PoE2 kinda looks much better than Diablo 4 already.

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dont ask blizz ask bobby

You do know Jay Wilson got fired in 20013 fire?

Wilson worked on the development of Reaper of Souls. He remained as game director of Diablo III until 2013 when he was replaced by Josh Mosqueira.

So from 2013 - 2023 (ten years) of the re-playable we got was not because of the man who pretty much ruined diablo at launch and start.


Lol d3 was the worst that happened to the diablo franchise, d2 classes were way better and with more deep, d3 was just a joke, and d4 has too much of d3 thats why is failing