Bring Back Rakhaan in the Next Expansion

I hope to see the character Rakhaan return in the next Diablo IV expansion. Without giving away too many spoilers, Rakhaan’s interactions and the final dialogue between the Wanderer and him are incredibly intriguing. His unique role as a demon-possessed human who engages in trade rather than combat adds a fascinating layer to the game. The depth he brings to the story is something I would love to see explored further. Let’s hope the developers bring him back for more adventures in Sanctuary!

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As many missed opportunities for depth and extra lore as they have already, I doubt it. Although I agree it would be a cool idea. I’m really hoping some of the authors of the books are working on some more novels to connect dots the devs seem not to care to connect. Rakhaan could be a super interesting story for a novel.

I’m new to Diablo and haven’t read the books, but I think that exploring the lore in a cinematic movie or in-game would be fantastic. I understand your concerns about missed opportunities for depth. The seasonal stories haven’t been very compelling to me either, except for the second season, which still fell short in the end. It often feels like the season stories are geared more towards hardcore gamers who skip the narrative.

I’ve watched Raxx and Llama’s streams and noticed they disliked the desert scene (in D4 original to find Elias hideout), but I found it quite engaging. It offered something different from just battling demons. I hope future expansions and seasons can avoid shallow storytelling and provide richer, more immersive experiences like in D4 basegame rather than the seasonal stories.

He is a D2 fanboy who worships D2.

He is a blaster who just wants to Hulk smash as fast as possible, he does not know that much about Diablo lore.

They said that the season questlines do not add anything to the overall lore, that comes in the expansions.

As Avalon said, the seasonal quest lines aren’t for adding to the lore. Although, I think they could dabble in side lore, and make it super interesting, while still steering clear of the main story line.

As someone who is, admittedly, a Diablo super nerd, I would love to see more lore in any shape or form. Like taking a season and exploring the lost city of Ureh. You can walk by the entrance in D4, and the book, ‘Kingdom of Shadow’, would give them plenty of material to use. Another season could be Horadrim based and explore their ancient, and mostly lost, sanctums and vaults. The Inn in Gea Kul has a hidden entrance to an old Horadrim outpost mentioned in ‘The Order’ book. Also they could use the Nephalem Stronghold from ‘Storm of Light’ during that season. Which had a portal to the High Heavens in order for them to steal the Black Soulstone just for Malthael to take it and start the Reaper of Souls expansion. The seasons could be very interesting and draw the lore buffs in while adding fun mechanics and loot for the less lore oriented as well. If done right I should add.