Bricking an Item on Tempering needs to go

Cleaning tempers , or buying rerolling temper tries should cost 100m++ or more much more per GA if they ever allow it, either way is just a sad item editor WAIT, evem with cost is a sad item editor, but yeah,… people just want to win… pixels.

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Part of what makes Diablo 4 and other ARPGs so engaging is the continuous pursuit of better gear. If every player could easily achieve perfect items, there would be little left to strive for, and the game would quickly lose its challenge and excitement. The rarity of perfect items ensures that players always have something to aim for, whether it’s through refining their builds, trading with others, or participating in high-level content. This ongoing challenge not only keeps the game interesting but also makes every small victory feel rewarding. It also supports a dynamic in-game economy where rare items are highly valued. In essence, the difficulty in obtaining perfect items is what keeps the game alive and exciting for everyone.

Solutions to bricking:

  1. Be able to reset the tempering rolls with a resplendent spark.
  2. Add 5 more tempering rolls but the cost for each roll will be much higher than the previous roll.
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Or just leave it the way it is and tough luck if you don’t roll how you wanted it to.

Disagree. On 3 items now, i’ve re-rolled the SAME temper affix 4-5 times in a row. This is just annoying, not fun lol. Something needs to change here big time, bricking items after rolling “increased dodge chance by 6%” 5 times in a row is ANNOYING.


Not everyone has a dopamine deficiency to require this kind of solution. I have found like 4 amulets in probably 60 hours of season playtime that have hellbent commander on them, all of them have bricked tempering and I’m forced to use them with useless tempering affixes because its still the best affix. The lows of this system far outweigh that single high.


I can’t even get the stat I want let alone a good roll. this is garbage and I just feel like logging out.

idk i dont mind it that much. it makes the tempering pretty exciting. and yes ive had a lot of bricked and scuffed greater affix pieces. the item isnt truly done and secured until its tempered.

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3 greater affix off hand with crit , intel, %damage. Rolled 5 time blizzard size and end up with frost bolt proc… I want to stop the game right now.
RNG on RNG on RNG…


Yep, and you have to do that with all of them. Better off playing the lottery where the jackpot is $1b, cuz one would need that kind of luck to have all the stars align (greater affixes in the right places, all crits for MW on same stats, etc.), and after ALL that your work becomes useless after a season. The $1b lottery jackpot OTOH would last you longer than that, even if you spend like a drunken sailor.

Unless, of course, you find contentment with crap pay, crap gear, as some here would suggest, then all the power to you. Cuz hell smells like roses (Lilith’s petals) rather than sulfur (crap), right?

No i will probably stop to midling stuff with midling stats to clear midling content and then stop.

That’s the spirit, a lot of media, popular culture provides social engineering, and the present theme is to make do w/ less.

yay that was fun just bricked some absolutely insane pants. perfect rolls with the bonus on +skeleton mages. my perfect other 2 rolls are dodge (rolled 6% perfect) and life (reforged to 806). Needed to temper dodge + tendrils range, got corpse explosion over and over and life.

Vendored for gold.

I won’t be finding another per of pants that good this season, and even if I do its quite realistic to brick them again. I have had 5 rolls in a row of golem cooldown on a ring… don’t play golem at all…

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Yep, yesterday, I had a double Greater affix item drop w/ the right stats. Bricked, of course. When items roll w/ fewer affixes than previously, and then 1 or more tempered stats are wrong, then it’s a downgrade from fresh pre-S4 items. So Loot 2 expands the spectrum to super good and super trash (not just trash, it’s spiteful trash).

The items w/ wrong stats that aren’t applicable to any build you’d want to play - who used those before S4 after you’ve lvl’d to 100 and beyond?

often those other affixes are useless or near useless if you aren’t running a build that requires those particular skills. since you can’t choose like you can with rerolling at the enchanter it’s doubly bad. There needs to be a way to reset master working. as is it’s a terrible player experience. can’t believe anyone would defend it.

I totally agree with you on this :100: percent!

You read it right, Blizzard D4 Team! Fix this awful, punishing BS that is completely unnecessary in the game! STOP NERFING GOOD STUFF IN THE GAME AND STOP PUNISHING PLAYERS WITH RIDICULOUS GAME MECHANICS THAT RUIN THE GAME AND MOTIVATION FOR PLAYERS! Get a damn clue already Blizzard Team! It’s been almost a year since Diablo IV came out! GET IT TOGETHER AND LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYERS - CUSTOMERS!!! And STOP screwing players over with these damn awful and punishing game mechanics and adding super high prices for everything, and now Health Potions too!


It’s pretty clear, Diablo IV is still a broken, buggy BETA game, and we are the voluntary game testers who paid for this game! We can only hope the Blizzard D4 Team and management eventually do the right thing for all D4 Players who paid for this game, sooner than later!! I don’t mind a good, fun challenge like with any game, but this is just wrong, unnecessary and punishing to players!

There is nothing good, fun or rewarding about losing a hard to get item in the game over a BS awful game mechanic like Tempering that causes this brick issue! NOTHING!

Of all the Blizzard games, this one has the most bugs, issues and problems, and now more punishing game mechanics than fun! That should NOT be the case anymore! It’s been almost 1 year since Diablo IV came out, and players are still dealing with these ridiculous, unnecessary issues in the game that only ruin game play for everyone! What gives already! You can do BETTER, Blizzard D4 Team! - JJ -

You are so absolutely right!! Bricking an item on tempering is the ABSOLUTE WORST FEELING IN THE GAME!! I did not pay for this game for it to constantly screw me over. Every single double GA affix item I have tempered has BRICKED!!! Completely and utterly unacceptable under ANY circumstance!! Greater affix items are already unbelievable rare, ESPECIALLY to get the affixes you actually want!! Now, we go to all that hard work and then an item BRICKS??? NOOOOOOOOO!!! BLIZZARD NEEDS TO REMOVE THIS, OR MANY PLAYERS WILL UNINSTALL THE GAME!! If you want to keep it in Hardcore - fine. If players want that extra challenge, let them deal with that there.

It already takes an ungodly amount of attempts to get your Masterworking right, costing millions if not billions of gold. At least there your item does not brick. Make it cost money to untemper an item, if you want. But seriously, bricking an item?? What kind of drugs was someone on who thought of this?? HORRIBLE idea!!

I for one, will NOT be purchasing the expansion, nor will I recommend it to any of my friends, if Blizzard does not do something about this egregious mistake.


I’d like to know what you’ve completed in the endgame and how much gold you paid for items and were bricked?

A quest item or mats that you farm to un-brick an item would be the happy medium in my opinion. :thinking:

Bricking items should be optinal and in the end of the journy of an item. Tempering has completely removed to good feeling of a good drop.

I wouldnt go that far but yes, items on drop are incomplete until you temper it. Its much better then the older system.