Not that I really want to add to this mess of a thread, but here’s the skinny:
Game has optimization issues. We all know it, lets admit that first. Right? Surely there can be no argument there? OK.
GPU cards can die. We are good on that statement right? Ok.
Cards can come from the factory with a defect and not present it right away. Maybe even a year or 3. Ok? That sounds reasonable correct? Ok.
Cards that run at above average temperatures for a long enough period of time can break down and die. EVEN IF they are properly built and good quality. <— That is an important note here. With me so far? OK.
Here’s the thing:
We have millions of computer owners with various builds in various states and various configs and use styles. Right? Its a fair thought to agree that nearly everyone may use their system differently, care for it differently, build it differently, right?
So. Two things are going on here.
One, we have potential defective cards that appear to be dying. They are defective because either
- A: they were defective from the beginning, or
- B: they have been abused, ran too hot too much, not kept cleaned out, overclocked, altered, etc.
These two things by themselves don’t mean the card will die predictably. But then:
You throw a game like Diablo IV at it. The game is new. The game has higher demanding graphics. Everyone wants to see the shiny graphics at the highest possible settings. (first thing most of you probably do, is crank the graphics above what they defaulted to, rather than try it as it set itself up)
Now, a card that has weakened due to being defective to start with, or due to its prior use develops a failure and either starts to glitch out or outright dies.
These cards are using a LOT of power. When you run that many amps through tiny circuits and you get a deviation in any of the hardware, well. Pop and out goes the magic smoke that makes it work. (Ok, a little joke there)
Back to the argument about the game and standing still.
Lets say you have a system that appears to handle the game just fine. (like mine) Runs cool, no issues, has been solid since early launch. (and I have used it every day so far).
I tested this menu thing, standing in town looking at the inventory. Guess what I saw.
Higher temps and utilization while doing nothing.
Granted, because my card is running on average below what a lot of you are reporting, it still isn’t going to hurt my card, but I will put out some key points:
Its not the GPU chip that is being affected nearly as bad as the memory chips.
In fact, my memory on my 3070 Ti was running hotter than the hot spot. Which is extremely abnormal (even if the temp was at a safe level). But only while at a vendor or looking at inventory. Anywhere else in the game I stay 10 degrees or more lower on all spots. And for the record, the highest mem temp I had was 172F. Which I thought was a bit much. But it only occurred while literally doing nothing. lol
Anyway. Definitely an issue, and it sounds like they are working on that problem.
But lets put this to rest.
Game can’t directly break a card. A card can die if its got an issue or develops one. And as a user, you need to take care of your card and not over work it just because its supposed to run at 100% for hours. That will kill it eventually.
Game on.