Brain-dead farming build?

I’ve been playing Blood Wave for a bit, but my playtime has dropped quite a bit over the last week or two. Now that I have more time to play again, I am wanting to try something different while also allowing me to farm easily enough while watching a TV show.

Did they finally fix the Mendeln ring to make a sunmon build suitable for what I am looking for, or should I consider another class? I have enough Whisper caches to hit 60 on a new class, if I choose to.

Blood Wave Necromancer having to pick up bloodorbs before every wave is a totally lame and boring mechanic. Would be nicer to not have a cooldown and be able to spam as much waves as i can hit the attackbutton.

2 seasons ago i played a Blood Surge Necro. Awesome build to dominate the complete screen while standing in the middle of the Blood Maiden event. But dont make any friends with this build. People quickly stopped attacking monsters at the blood maiden event when a blood surge necro popped up :see_no_evil:

Fire Mages with the unique staff can also clear whole screens with just pushing 1 button. :mage:

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regarding ring of mendeln, some stuff has been fixed but some stuff still doesnt work properly.

I managed to get my Blood Wave cooldown to 8 or 9 seconds, so it isn’t terrible. But there are times where I’m still running around not doing anything.

What’s the fire sorc build you’re referring to? I’ll check it out.

well, you want to pick up 5 blood orbs anyway.

a) they reduce the Rathmas Vigor Downtime, which is vital for a guaranteed overpower
b) you are getting 50% x extra damage from the legendary paragon node in blood begets blood.

i dont get why people actually complain about collecting blood orbs. I mean, noone forces you to play the damage optimized blood wave necro. If we are talking about regular t4 content all this isnt really needed.

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Only Reanimation aspect and the minion Glyiphs don’t work with mendeln after the hotfix. Everythin else is working properly now, my damage output increased dramaticaly, so I can recomend minions now.

ah nice good to know! thanks for clarifying <3!

That’s great! Could you recommend a build that I can follow to start off with?

I fell asleep doing pits :sleeping:

Thats the two builds i used for lazy farming purposes:

„Omega Blood Surge Mobalytics“

„Fireball Sorcerer Endgame Build Guide Maxroll“

Really easy and relaxing far pewpew-farming is also the heartseeker rogue. Theres also a nice guide on Maxroll.

The one on maxroll is good.

WW EQ Barb.
Just need max move speed and all you do is run.
No rotation nor button mashing.
Numlock shouts and WOTB if you want zero button pushing.
Don’t even need to ww much.
Stomp(if you want) for Fury or just basic on lmb.

No Barb specific uniques required if you have Shroud and Shako already.
If you do farm for Ugly Bastard and Mantle, you can actually push if you want.

The entry level is iver the top for T4 and with moderate gear it’s easily a 100-110 speed farmer.

About as braindead as it gets.
With good CDR and attacks reduce evade on boots(taptaptap WW) you can even make a teleport variant.

I don’t think you can get anymore braindead than a bloodwave build. Aim in general direction > everything there is dead pick up blood orbs > gather aggro of a couple screens > corpse tendril > fire blood waves > repeat.

I played it last season while simultaneously watching Joe Rogan podcasts, easy money. Matter of fact, I don’t think there are many builds in D4 that aren’t brain dead. Push one button, and occasionally press another to activate a passive equals win…

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Why do we even have cooldowns or mechanics like picking up orbs to do great damage again?

Let us spam the attacks as fast as we can push down the attack button!!! ROARRRR!!! :hatched_chick:

Imagine a pour soul has been sentenced to death.
Executioner with large choppy sword appears. Hitting the victims arm trice before he is finally strong enough to get rid of the head.

You can also try Necro Minion with that automation ring Varshan drops.

How the hell are people watching movies/TV shows and playing games at the same time?

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Earthquake barb. I went with the maxroll WW build which is basically the same thing. Just run around and everything dies around you.

The following are one-button and/or mouse only builds I’ve done this season:

blood wave necro (only have to hit bloodwave and move to blood orbs)
minion necro (only have to hit soulrift when it drops off)
ww eq barb (only need to hit ww, and not really even that)
stone burst druid (only need to hit stone burst and move)
shred druid (only have to hit shred)

These all farm T4 quite well, even at fairly low glyph levels (above 46, at least). This far in season they all do have several mythics.

Also, dance of knives rogue is close, but you do need to snapshot a couple of skills at some intervals or the damage is too low.

These are the high IQ players. They can stack two brainless activities, even the Joe Rogan Experience. There’s talent all around.

… plus they do all of that while showering :see_no_evil: