Bows - Passive Versatily

Been playing a rogue for awhile, really enjoy the class but one thing in the itemization I’ve seen from playing the other classes is the Bow item Passive Stat.

Personally I feel that this weapon can use a change to the Stat. Like Critical Strike Damage. Nothing says a nice shot like a big critical strike.

This would allow more rogue builds to use the item since it drops often & is mainly a wonderful stat stick. Most range builds end up using a unique that has Damage to Distant Enemies so the stat will be there but as a melee or hybrid I think it would be cool to have a choice on what you are lugging on your back.

The Implicit stat is the main reason I prefer crossbows. Now if we could get a unique crossbow that would be the best of both worlds

I don’t know why we don’t have Long Bows, Compound Bows, Short Bows… Ah, I miss D2, D4 is very poor.