Bosses are too hard

They have a fixed mininum level once you reach that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE WILL AWAYS BE 2 LEVELS ABOVE YOU.

Act bosses also take way too long. I’m not talking about difficulty, the fights just take ages.

Are you upgrading your gear at all?

How long is it actually taking you and how long in your opinion should these fights be taking?

The Act bosses are way too bloody hard! I’m playing at the lowest level and have a good build. I can understand them being more difficult at higher levels but that’s not the way it should work at WT1. How and I supposed to get better gear when the mobs scale with you but the loot doesn’t? Blizzard this is not fun!

Play with a controller. It’s 1000% easier than keyboard/mouse. I defeated last boss solo on T2 with only 650 attack power with a minion/shadow/thorns Necromancer. You can do it too on much better comps.

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I’m playing a Rend Barb and face-rolled everything up to Brol in T2. I had to knock down the difficulty for that one. I just left it on T1 and there’s nothing that even comes close to being a challenge as of yet.

Playing on WT1 on act 6 before the final fight I think. Nothing too bad. Just gotta upgrade your gear and maximize your synergies and you should be fine. Also dodge is your friend. Now early on (tier 2) I was getting SLAUGHTERED but once I lowered the tier and hit my late 20s things became fair and fun again.

I steam-rolled act I bosses easily, compared to beta weekend… this time thru, I wrecked malnok first try, and finished the entire campaign with no trouble. final boss of the campaign, I accidently blinked and missed phase 1 entirely.

but i’m stacking vulnerable & crit now, cause I know it works on bosses. whereas during beta, I was kinda all over the place with no focus.

I don’t necessarily think the bosses are “overtuned”, but there are definitely some where I feel like there is no counter-play to the mechanic.

Can’t remember the names, but

  • One guy blinks towards you and does a 3-way split aoe cone that is near impossible to “react” fast enough
  • the last phase of the first act boss with all of the adds and stuff out in the world

There is just a smattering of them, where you either need a shield to absorb it, or good use of pots.

Unlike some of the other bosses - e.g. Vigo’s encounter, where abilities are sufficiently telegraphed for the most part.

Tier 1 is supposed to be for “casual” play. The higher tiers are supposed to be for increased difficulty. I appear to be stuck with no way to improve because the gear that drops is so far below my level.

Edit: OK I just popped out of Kyovashad for a moment and some gear dropped that is higher level. Did they patch something? That will really help!


I went from soloing Strongholds without issue to not being able to complete a WT1 SH boss overnight. Something is up. E: Insta killed 3 times in a row at 51, WT1. Majority of gear is legendary and purpose selected.

and the Brol fight is just plain bullsh1t

I was talking about beta you could one or 3 shot dungeon bosses. You just look so foolish right now its sad. You had people decked out in legos on world tier one at level 25 scale dungeon bosses died to a stale fart. And you had barbs doing billions of damage one shotting dungeon bosses in end game up until the patch. Like a simple google search would have sufficed.

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I got the same problem. Im playing Diablo since the first one and with the Druid I cant do anything exept diyng. I die 3 times at least to maybe kill a boss. I have so many ennemi that I dont see my druid on screen, like we are supposed to be like 8 player in the game. Im at 1st tier and i never died so much in a begining of a game. Its like I dobt even play the same game as other that I know who play D4. I wish i could get a refund for that piece of junk.

People need to stop replying to a post that was created in the beta.

Things have changed.

D3 was the same when it game out. I remember itemisation was just as bad as it is now, where you would often use a blue weapon and sell all the epics on the ah to people who didn’t know better. Im a lvl 49 barb right now with a few pieces of gear under 18!! Not found a single upgrade for those slots.

I struggled completing the capstone dungeon on t2 at level 46 because of gear. Got a nice new level 35 weapon at lvl 47 and steam rolled it.

The game is just way too hard overall. It is no fun dying too often and having your progress halted by things like the capstone dungeon. Who do they think is playing this and how much time do they thing we have?

Getting one shot by mere elites, having no crafting mats drop so you can add sockets to gear, I can go on and on. I realize nobody wants another repeat of D3 easy but this is just way too far the other way. Figure this out quickly Blizzard or there will be no one here to buy your overpriced cosmetics. I am now seriously regretting my purchase because the way this company works it will be a year before they fix all this and by then I could have paid much less for it.

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Omg. I gave up on her after lvl 11. She is SLOWER than molasses in january. Like wtf was up with her? I’m a single mom that works full time so I am a casual player but I have been playing Diablo since the first one and I can agree taht thsi one is by far WAY harder than even D3. I had to jump down to T1 in order to do half of what I wanted to by myself and not have to depend on my guy to carry me. not that I mind my knight in shining armor helping, I just sometimes wanna play by myself without dying every 5 min. lol