Boss killer only build for the poor


After watching all those vids of bash barb demolishing any uber boss, I got hyped and made a bash barb too, just in order to kill uber bosses (Lilith, Duriel200, etc.). I mean it: solely for this purpose.
After spending lot of mats, gold and time farming those mats/gold I’m a little bit bitter since even with lvl 12 weapons, all bearing the 5 recommended affixes and tempers, I can’t hit Lilith as hard as the Youtubers showcasing the build I’m following. I found out that the big difference between them and me, the key point to their insane DPS was all about masterwork critting twice or 3 times on the bash cleave temper affix, which I can’t seem to achieve, being cursed by RNGesus.
Now I heard, read, watched people saying flay barb were much more suited for boss killing, with less gear requirements, and quite forgiving about tempering affixes. So, I was thinking about switching to flay build but… question is: with average gear, no GA, but correct tempering (flay duration + rogue crit) could I achieve what I want, i.e. deleting lilith, zir and their bros?
I just need some feedback from you guys before potentially wasting time and resources in another “garbage” build. Thanks in advance.
PS: last night tried 15 times masteworking a weapon from 0 to 4 to get the crit on flay duration. Failed, reset MW, failed, reset MW,… finally went to bed frustrated. Thought it was 1 chance out of 5 to hit it but I start to think flay duration affix must be very low weighted…

i’m deleting tormented bosses with bash build and also killing uber lilith (and have carried my friends with killing her).
No uber uniques, one unique gloves, one 1h weapon with single bash cleave crit and 1h weapon with double crit cleave (2h not masterworking crits for bash cleave at all). You can ask me questions if you want.
Anyway, suggest you to temper martial vigor on all 4 available armor slots. Even with +3 everywhere (15 points total) it will be much easier vs any boss. With +4 everywhere (19 points total) you can facetank all uber lilith mechanic

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thanks for your reply. Actually, I’m starting to get used with lilith’s phases, it’s not my main concern to survive, I’m quite tanky and fast (160% speed). I’m rather trying to dish out a big DPS to bring her down before she can start phasing, same goes for Duriel. In other word = trying to waste the least time possible killing them.
And I don’t understand why youtubers can crit for 300M while my burst is around 80M… It’s just that

it’s a difference between good and perfect gear. You need a lot efforts to find items with GA and masterwork them to crit as needed, when streamers have viewers support for that. With seasonal play for regular solo player it’s not worth it, imo.

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I see, thanks for the clarification.
sigh RNGesus!

I’m running rob’s bash uber boss killer. Only uber is shako. And you don’t even need that. He actually has a video and he made this build just for lilith. He shows you the rotation and reasoning behind it. And the fight w/ lilith. I haven’t done lilith yet but I one shot uber duriel and everyone else. I switched from a ww/leap twister build. I can attest to its power.

I’m running (or was since I finished S4 weeks ago) a crit chance/crit damage Bash barb with berserk key passive. I have no perfect gear, I did have 1 GA affix gear for each weapons (STR), not a single uber unique, you just need a boatload of crit chance, crit damage, some attack speed, I did not even bother with vuln stuff (beyond exploit glyph and vuln paragon nodes) and then you delete Lilith.

I had 4 pieces of gear that was master worked to 12, then rest was ranked between 6 and 8… I stopped ranking them up after I could beat all content :slight_smile: (well, pit 101 and that still felt easy, but I had no need to push higher, as Lilith was my target) :slight_smile:

It can be done. Blizzard made the game for casuals after all heh heh.