Boring, grindy game

Some people find that fun, there’s not a lot of “danger” in playing SC you can die 100 times and it really doesn’t mean much

Don’t let people try to convince you otherwise. The game plays like you’re permanently level 12 in the other diablo games. The goal seems to be to one day attain half the power you had at level 5. A lot needs to be overhauled as far as level scaling and bullet sponge mobs go. It’s wayyy too slow for 100+ hours. And even after that it’s still too slow unless you use perfect meta builds.


Nah, scaling isn’t the problem, problem is a lot of skills are just bad so unless you’re using one of the higher power skills it feels bad.

Necro with bonespike = one shotting mobs

Welcome to the ARPG genre

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I mean necro is specifically the least mobile class.

No, there are several for each class and many more if you are willing to be a little below the top of the curve.

Which gives 4 paragon points, so it’s more like 4 dings. Still, you should able to get that in like 8-10 dungeon runs, right? Is each one taking you an hour? Try waking/evading past trash mobs to focus on the dungeon objectives. Upgrade your weapon. Get vulnerable damage.

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The scaling is a problem because you only get weaker and weaker as you progress, with very few windows of feeling fleetingly better for some relief.

I thought this post covered the issue well: Gameplay "Meta"-Loop Missing

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From what I understand, the game is designed to have you feel weak until you’ve decked out your paragon board at level 95. Not the best decision a Diablo dev team has ever made.

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Welcome to ARPG - First time ?

(Games hard , i need Max lvl, best items asap—Diablo 3 players struggling out here)


I never felt weak leveling, now i’m destroying 90 mobs at 70…

Not even playing tb rogue, that was boring, playing barrage

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That’s not at all what i’ve felt


Wait till Season 1. It’ll magically fix every problem you have with D4 and you’ll have the privilege to relive that experience all over again.

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You guys never played arpg’s right?
If you find it tedious already this genre is simply not for you mate, better find something else.


No you don’t. You get stronger and stronger if you actually try to solve the problems you are presented, like resource generation, cooldown uptime, and damage scaling.


Well, some people like feeling like they’re level 12 in every other diablo. I just don’t think that’s a majority opinion.

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So you’re saying 1 shotting mobs 20 lvls higher than you is… weak?

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I only feel like i am getting stronger and stronger. You must be doing something wrong.


Got to T4, have seen less legendaries since being there than in t3. Opened multiple boxes in helltides only to get a couple sacred yellows.

Yeah, not much fun to be had.

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Only open mystery chests in helltide

8-10 dungeon runs are 4-5 hours. Aka 1 day.
For 1 level, doing the same activity.
Find key 1 and 2 or similar, do the middle, kill the boss.

Helltide. Boring.

Do Tree stuff, get freaking rare items for that effort.

If a unique drops it’s not for your build.

If a good sacred item drops you can’t use it because that imbue is on another piece already.

But that’s not the worst.
The worst is what I wrote, mob HP. HP sponges.
Every encounter being a struggle.

The gameplay doesn’t change.
Generate, spend, generate, spend. zzzzz.
And you have to do that a lot for each encounter.

1-50 was tolerable in a way because of the story carrot, despite the endless “unskippable” dialogue.

Post 50 this game has nothing but grind.
People like to compare it to D2.
1st of all D2 was in a different era.
I played the shi1 out of it when it was released, had a level 93 HC MF Sorc, which I sold when I got bored.
This game, D4, has nothing going for it.
In D2 you had multiple viable builds. Frenzied axe thrower for instance.
This game only has 1 build that works for each class, I repeat myself.

No, I’m done. Unless they change the amount of HP mobs have I’m done.
There are other games that give me more satisfaction. I don’t need to spend my time being unhappy/dissatisfied.

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8 dungs are 4-5h? Are you mad brother?

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