Blue screened my pc

Playing today, both times I’ve closed to desktop it has frozen my pc, the second time resulting in a bsod. Happening to anyone else?

Jup, same issue since latest update. Was able to play without any issue the days before…sad…

What’s the BSOD error code you get?

Bsod Kernel mode heap, My PC crash when i just create my char when i get the bsod and i didnt have any problems in 4 months just happened when i forced to update the nvidia driven and play diablo 4…

Could be GPU or other drivers

I don’t think so My PC was ok 0 problems and i use like 10 hours pe day

It was. It’s not anymore. So you need to start troubleshooting.

No just makes my pcs cpu coolant go to 60c which makes my icue software make my rbg lights flash red idk how to stop it. i even went into icue and turned off the alert system and it still does it.

Sorry friend, you need to fix your hardware. I would not attempt to play unless you want to cook your CPU. if coolant is at 60 degrees Celsius I won’t even ask what is CPU temperature. Probably throttling at maximum allowed, some CPUs have that at 95 C, some lower.

What’s the actual cpu temperature? You can monitor your temps with hwinfo at the desktop, or MSI Afterburner while gaming.

If I were you I’d closely monitor my temps at full load. You probably need to tweak your CPU settings in the bios in order to reduce the temperature.

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