Bloodless Scream unique

‘‘I’m not advocating that you do put the additional mage imprint on a two hander but simply using it as an example’’

Too late. I’m in.

It works very well but only if you stack in as much frost/chill as possible:

-Use the aspect that gives skele mages Blizzard and make sure to use cold skele mages
-Use the unique frost boots that place chill on the ground
-Consider using the frost unique gloves but they are not critical
-Use blight + Miasma CE
-Use aspects that add shadow damage to bone storm & blood wave ult and use one of those instead of army as your ult ability

If you stack plenty of frost with the above tips you are guaranteed to do lots of freezing.

It requires A LOT of commitment from your entire build in order to effectively freeze anything…

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I think the idea behind this wep was PvP in conjunction with Frost Burns.

Run Bloodless Scream, Frost burns, and both the general aspects that increase CC duration.

Can probably annoy the crap out of people by just holding Decompose down and they cant move.

I can’t imagine anyone running decompose in PvP surviving long enough to annoy anyone.

Well obv you gonna open with Decrep>Bonestorm>Exploding mist BCE>Corpse Tenedril.
click and hold Decomp.
Spam tenedrils on CD.
Keep Decrep applied.

Granted itll suck because everyone besides Necro is immune to CC.

But i think PvP was the initial idea behind the item regardless.

It just chills enemies, it doesn’t freeze them, it says up to 40% chill.

You’d have to hit them with more skills that chill to get to freeze level.

If you chill something at 25% chill rate, 4 attacks would freeze it, withing the chill debuff time. Rogue was a good place to test this stuff.

That was what I thought it meant but it did not seem to work that way. I have used this unique on two different characters with different builds and while it was fine as a weapon based on its dps (it was a solid upgrade for both characters when it dropped) I can not even begin to tell you how freeze works. My conclusion on both was great for staggering bosses very fast. A few elites freeze from time to time but didn’t seem to happen any faster than it would with regular frost skeleton mages.

Like abhorrent decrepify, shadow skills have a very low chance to proc it.
Chills up to 40% can also mean 1% for shadow skills.
I have tested abhorrent decrepify with 50% lhc bonespear and 20% lhc sever, even bumped sever to 30% lhc, and abhorrent decrepify procs way way more on bone spear

It does accumulate to freeze, but the typical application rate is something like less than 8% per hit. So 12 consecutive servers later for example you would freeze for a second or two. I don’t really feel like there is enough support for cold damage as necro to invest in it, certainly not if you are expecting to freeze like a frost mage. Best case, it can proc your umbral ring on every hit making sever free in packs.

Great weapon for shadow CE. But the freeze doesn’t seem to work with the CE shadow pool. Either i am deleting everything too fast or it is simply bugged or not working as intended. Hopefully it is fixed and i get to freeze stuff. But hey atleast it has the shadow dmg in it, which is really good.

It’s solid for extra CC at the cost of the boosted aspect when paired with cold mages+blizzard aspect, just a trade off.

It would be better if shadow mages could trigger it as they use “shadow” and not “darkness” damage.

Extra damage buckets are great. But it also allows blizzard to be “sneaky” with stuff like that

Necromancers are not the best users of Frost. But at low levels, if you have no other cool weapons, Bloodless Scream could work wonders especially for Dark Blight Summoners… as all your Darkness abilities would chill/freeze enemies. It’s used for Crowd Controls… not really on heavy Damage.