Blizzard Your D4 Stats on gear SUCKS

All along, they’ve said that D4 isn’t supposed to rain loot from the heavens like D3 did. Ok, but every Rare item in D4 is a legendary that just doesn’t have an aspect yet. So in fact I get MORE LOOT per hour in D4 than D3. Which is why they had to invent 87 conditional damage types to crowd out useful stats to reduce the chance of getting something useful.

Since rares are just aspectless-legendaries, please reduce the drop rate by 75% and then eliminate some of these damage types since they’re all the same bucket anyway. The fact that people have Stash tabs full of perfect aspects and nothing to put them on 3 weeks after launch should be sounding alarm bells. This isn’t just “ARPGS have RNG deal with it.” It’s a real problem.


The Named Pinkish ones Are going to be BIS for the most part. Give or take class build. And they are def rarer. I think they should make them rarer and boost them.

Vulnerable damage needs to be removed. its straight cancer as its pretty much all you generally want.


Vulnerable damage needs to be removed. its straight cancer as its pretty much all you generally want.

“I don’t want ANY damage multiplier that actually moves the mob’s health bar fast enough to notice the difference”. Thanks for your input.

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Problem is when its basically the ONLY multiplier that does so and feels like a chore/busywork to make sure you have that vulnerability up.

Its literally slag from borderlands 2 all over again. You have your slag/vulnerable up? Okay you can PLAY the game at intended damage levels. You DON’T have that up? Well, sucks to be you, better do your chores and put it up or no damage for you!


Some uniques seem pretty common, but there are Druids that have gone 85 levels looking for Tempest Roar and not seen one. The build literally doesn’t work until you have that item.

Come to D3. We have 14 damage bucket and all of them astronomically increase your damage. :rofl: :joy:

no ty, d3 is available if you want to play such simple kind of game.

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Yeap I have a thorns Chest and My buddy is looking for one. RNG can be a beach

Can you tell me how D3 is “simple”?

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True. Really boring gear, not very interesting class abilities, and missing quality of life features like global chat and party finder…and, it’s a shame too b/c the open world is pretty cool and the audio/graphics aren’t bad either.

The project managers really didn’t have a good grasp on priorities or something …either way, it is what it is and we’ve got what we’ve got. The game has issues no doubt.

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Its the Hello Island Kitty Adventure of ARPG games WIth a Unicorns and Stuffed bear level?

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That was added as an easter egg level in sarcastic RESPONSE to player outrage because during a demo showcasing D3, players FREAKED OUT because in one zone at one camera angle, there was a small rainbow on a literal waterfall.

Anyway D4 has the following color palette: Grey. Green. Blood Red. Poop Brown.

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Thank god it does. Go play your rainbow game we want dark evil looking stuff not rainbow bright color scheme

Stats need to be more inclusive. No Diversity in stats is not only a gaming issue it’s problematic as a society. Stats are intersections and should be approached as such

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The way the additive damage in this game works it does not reward any sort of damage modifier outside of critical damage and vulnerable damage. The rest provide an exceedingly minimal increase to be nice. As a druid who has near 100% up time on poison damage i immediately noticed this due to heightened malice tree whuch provides over 120% damage increase to enemies that are poisoned. Thanks to creeper, i have that. It didnt change my damage in the slightest. So either its not working as intended or the other 900 conditional damage “additives” are absolutely worthless.


It’s not just gear, it’s every facet of character customization. From glyphs, to skill trees, to items, to gems, to paragon boards. For some reason a single person/team had free reign on stats and made everything just boring and terrible.

This person/team needs to be moved to another game and not be allowed to touch stats in an RPG again.

This game has the WORST stats I have seen in an RPG in 30 years of gaming.


I can relate to this as a barbarian character. I had no idea what I was doing I kept putting higher bleed items even though I do no bleed. It after tea search and understanding I realized I need Crit damage, Vuln damage and close encounter for my build Brit chance and overpower is just a cherry.

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Not exactly. There are 3 damage buckets that you need to look for on gear outside of chc/chd. The damage buckets are Vulnerability, main stat, and then everything else is in the same bucket. Those 3 are multiplied off of your weapon and skill damage. Then you have crit on top of it. Damage while cc’d and damage vs poisoned are the same bucket, so it doesn’t matter which one you invest more heavily into. Vuln is near mandatory, because it has its own bucket. Overpower damage is its own thing, so it’s not multiplying off of the other buckets.

The way that they calculate damage isn’t good. D4s itemization isn’t good. You essentially “beat the game” at level 75, because the few chase items are too rare to even consider them in the game(roughly 1 dropping per every 80-100 years of cumulative playtime), and without trading/boss farming you’ll never see them.

This dev team should have taken the things that D2/PoE/Last Epoch/Marvel Heroes/Hellgate did right, because the items and item stats, how they work, and how to acquire them is terrible.



Sets were and are awesome. They are fun. People whining about them in D3 ruined them for D4.

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