Blizzard withholding fix for Ancestral Charge even though they already have it

I’m mind blown as to how people are going to argue in favor of them doing this. Sorry but, anyone who thinks so is wrong. They have the fix. They have no right to hold it hostage from the main servers.

Why does this bother you so much???
who is it hurting if you dont like charge dont use it
and how is it hurting you?

I do use it. Do people on here not understand plain english? The aspect has been bugged since the 12th. It stops working every time you use it. They found a fix and put it in the ptr but refused to patch the main servers, leaving it broken still. It’s been broken for three weeks and they plan on leaving it that way until season 4 even though they already have the fix.

Ah yes. Most people probably quit after two weeks into S3 as that’s what it took to finish that one out and nobody spotted the issue except for a few players still doing S3 heh heh. Not sure why Blizzard don’t do frequent bug fixes… perhaps it had to do with their Gauntlet competition and real world rewards or something, who knows.

I’m with you on this one though, they should bug fix stuff when it’s discovered. Nobody wants to play a broken game for extended periods of time (careful what we wish for here… lol)

The thing that’s over the edge is that they HAVE fixed the bug, but only released the fix into the PTR server and are REFUSING to release it into the main servers. Like, you have the fix. Just release it.

With 15 MILLION posts on nerf barb nerf charge which way do you think someone would take your post!

The way it was written.

I it be dumb send small patches especially there issue with Xbox and PlayStation would only allow so many updates at a time.

Which can be delay if they want to hit may 14 .

Good thing we have this brilliant “live service” model that is supposed to be super flexible and allowing them to make continuous updates and improvements. Even archaic games would have hotfixes pushed out regularly. Blizzard waits entire Seasons and still lets things continue on being broken (Rupture since Beta).

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There’s a joke about blizzard bugs. “If it ain’t fixes in three months time. It’s working as intended.”

Live service model is more tweaking stats number it wasn’t designed for bug fixes. That has to be reprogrammed.

The fact is they have and can push out hotfixes. Choosing to not to is just that, choosing to not push them out.

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Exactly. It’s not like they’re still developing the fix. They already found it. They included it in the ptr and it is confirmed resolved. They just refuse to release it to the main servers.


So how does the player knows for sure something is a bug or “working as intended?”

Knock on wood, but I haven’t had the bug happen yet. I’m on XBox, not sure if that matters, and I haven’t heard of anyone on XBox with this problem. I’ve heard if you set charge to a 2H weapon, not auto select, that it makes it less likely to happen. Also, removing and equipping the item with the aspect on it fixes it but I’m sure you know that.

To your original comment, this bug has been out since about the start of the gauntlet so I figured they would have fixed it in one of the patches they’ve put out since then. Kinda crappy that they haven’t.