Blizzard should Absolutely not give the Ashava trophy to anyone who did not earn it

“Officially”…but really they should, just give it to everyone who participated. Because really…?? How will these gatekeeping losers even know that you did? :smile_cat:
The easiest win-win in the history of video game forums.

There, one problem solved. You are welcome.

Let’s move onto balance issues…


There’s really no need for another thread about this. The 5 or more from yesterday are enough.

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İ am sure someone will post it on the forums :grinning:

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I’m ok with Blizzard awarding the Ashava reward to level 20 characters who attempted (but failed) the kill. These player at least put in the time and effort to reach lvl 20. Otherwise, no the reward should not be given out just blatantly for free.

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Yeah no, we don’t need participation trophies.

In the famous words of Master Yoda. Do or Do not. There is no Try.

No freaking way. The amount of entitlement in video games these days is appalling.

Every single time that Ashava failed when I was there, it was because there was three to four level 12 to 19’s. Or 3 to 4 people standing around not doing anything waiting for credit on the kill. The times I passed everybody was doing their job, everybody was avoiding attacks and everybody was 20.

It’s a cosmetic item to say that you accomplished something that took more than rubbing your face on a keyboard. I’m tired of these posts asking blizzard to give in and give out participation trophies or increase drop rates because it’s not fun when you can’t get Legendaries dropping from the sky or Rewards from difficult tasks by rubbing your face along your keyboard.

Settle down buddy I won it legit on T2 twice…I also was in questionable attempts. :joy:
This is just such an easy thing for Blizzard to fix from their end. Like I said you wouldn’t even know.

That is the exact thing I don’t want blizzard to take part in. It’s a slippery slope and where does it stop.

It’s like telling a child that if they do their chores they can have a reward but they don’t finish their chores and they throw a tantrum. So you give them their reward anyways to make them happy. This is exact reason why you see this behavior.

Hopefully with less people in the community arguing over something meaningless and trivial.

While I don’t believe they should give the trophy to just everyone I do think they should at least give those who couldn’t get it another chance to kill her.

This entire controversy could have been avoided if Bizzard had both:

  1. Made Ashava the same difficulty relative to player strength as she was in the beta (ie. either allow players to level to 25 or scale her down to level 20)
  2. Blocked players who are not the expected level (20 or 25 depending on how (1) is resolved) from entering the boss area.

Remember not on the highest difficulty here; most of the people complaining here were on difficulty tier 2 of 4. You want ridiculously difficult bosses? Play tiers 3 or 4.

I’m not commenting on whether a participation trophy should be given out, but the controversy wouldn’t even exist if the difficulty were scaled correctly for tiers 1 and 2; nobody would be asking for a participation trophy in that case.

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Why did you make another post about this topic? I think there are enough of them.