Blizzard says Diablo 4's respec costs "are final"

I feel this is fair. No point being up in arms over things we haven’t fully seen, played or experienced ourselves yet. If things really suck post-launch, then by all means voice it and let Blizzard figure out a decent compromise. They clearly have a vision for the game they want to try and stick with.

OH so not liking a direction some of the mechanics in a game have taken and voting with your wallet is having tender emotions is it?

Might want to go look in the mirror my boy cause the forums would surely be a better place with less people like you in it.

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You’re sad because you want respecs to be free. They’re not free. So in an expression of your tender emotions you took to the forums to have a cry for help and inform everyone that you are refunding.

So yeah quite tender.

After 40 hours in the beta, I already realized and predicted that respec gold cost would not be the problem…The problem will be the lateral grind to change a build constantly (or be bored with 1 build) and the grind being too rapid to solve this will cop criticism of its own.

Poor Rod, he really got mileage out of this comment, maybe Adam Flecther is raking him over the coals about this, but this just shows you how foolishly overreactive this dumb community of ARPG players is

Lacking reading skills on your part there furthermore I doubt you can read my “emotions” through a PC screen unless you have some kind of super powers.

I pretty much have said my piece on a few things I dont like in this game or even better just liked posts of what others said that I agree with. I did so as forums are to share feedback.

However sadly these forums are full of ITG here that think belittling others, or trying to impunge on their character in the forums makes them cool or part of the in crowd or whatnot when that’s really not the case.

The only sad person here is you for wasting your time and mine with such trolly comments.

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Please define? I’m slow.

Oh wait I think it’s internet tough guy.

I identify as an internet tough woman though so I’d appreciate if you edit your comment.

Why would you think they would change them?

Don’t expect the costs to be a big deal personally. We made millions in the beta at level 25

It’s cool. Like other games, I’m sure it’ll change after release.

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But it is the kind of thing we’ve seen companies do in recent years. Monetizing a QOL feature would fit the proposed model.

What a stupid reason to refund. Im calling bs and will see you on launch day.

Might want to read my next post after this one you quoted before calling BS and calling my reasoning “stupid”. :wink:

Nice they haven’t caved in yet on the respec cost, reading this was music to my ears :beers:


Yeah it’s the correct decision.

Later the gold cost becomes absolutely nothing. I was giving away insane 10s of millions to friends without a thought. Relax and move along, nothing to see here.

That would be something to see tbh. As it might indicate the respec cost is not nearly high enough for its intended purpose.

You mean respec tickets or discounts to respec and other systems perhaps.

It’s nothing new for online games, especially competitive ones (it’s cool to work from players mistakes, humans are adaptable!) and I hope Diablo 4 has a good competitive project in the future once they’re happy with the server stability and the game itself around 3 months after its release.

Well… That sucks. Guess I don’t need the deluxe or ultimate version to play 4 days early anymore since I’ll need to wait for a cookie cutter build to follow. I won’t be playing with my own builds with these respec costs.

Will change in less than a year and much like covenants will likely cost them players they might not recover.

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Please make a TL DR to assist with clarification of your intent.

In response to your title.- Good