Blizzard really hate their fans

How the fck are pets in the store for 2500 platinum and premium skins with are 2800.

Is Blizzard really taking the piss right now?


They love money and they love the fans, who can afford these pets.

I think, they do not have any kind of feeling for the rest of the people, that play their games.

I also do not like this trend, but Blizzard is doing exactly the thing, you would expect from a US company.

*Blizzard first
*make Blizzard rich(er) again


a company that likes to make money, ideally a lot of it? Shocker.

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I would call myself the exact opposite.
What i really do not get is the hypocritcal behaviour now.
What you get now is what got seeded a long time ago.


I understand companies need to make money, even charities need to make money but pricing reskin pets at nearly the same price as an 8 piece skin is beyond the joke and you taking their side says a lot about you sepo’s.

Are you all do blind and mindless?


what are you talking about?

Dont buy the skin, easy as that. speak with your wallet. Im doing the same as i wont purchase pet skins for 25 bucks.

You clearly seem to want these pets, if you end up buying them, you show them exactly that this price is fine.

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How am I a hypocrite?

I’m not him, but who is saying, that he is taking Blizzards side here?
He is just not taking the side of the complainers.

There is a lot of grey between black and white.

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I am not going buy to them but not saying anything about their prices is just the same as letting it be ok


false. Blizzard doesnt care on your opinion on their pricings. They only care wether you are willing to buy it for this price, or not.

Ferrari for sure wont change their car prices because i consider them too expensive. Or do you really think that they will talk about your post in their next meetings, to reconsider their pricings?

Capitalism is well and good, but the shift from stakeholder capitalism to shareholder capitalism has created an environment where companies, especially large ones, no longer care about their customers or workers beyond what maximizes the bottom line. It’s sad to see, but it isn’t a problem with capitalism per se. It’s a problem with a very tragic form of capitalism that has killed any semblance of loyalty and decency in big business. :v:


How i am a capitalistic c*nt in your eyes?

I talk about this behaviour in general. We all helped Blizzard to become, what it is now.
And as i said, they love the fans with money and have no feelings about the rest, i’m pretty sure about this.

yeaaa - flagging this one. Go scream at the void as if your opinion on their pricings matter to them.

People like you are worse than the greediest company could ever be.


LMAO yep right, you believe that.

yep. Saying something like that is absolutely below any human level.

so if im below human level, what am i?

Not a human being, thats for sure. at least i cant consider you like one with your behaviour.

so not human is your answer, wow.
so a animial or alien?
you must have something