Blizzard just killed Target farming entirely

Rationalize this into a positive change blizzard Simps please make it make sense


Taking the wrong advice from Chris Wilson, FFS.


If fun is involved, expect Blizzard to remove it. Their actions to me clearly shows to me, they want the game to be a slog, with very little ability for the casual gamer to get any of these items. Most of us work full time jobs, and time is limited for playing games that are comprised of slog mechanics.

I didn’t get a Shako, and I really don’t care all that much. I also think the people who did, should get to keep them… Blizzard made a mistake, and since we have no ability to trade, they should get to keep them. I think it’s silly that people are crying for a rollback… All because they didn’t get one, and likely never will. Is it fair? NO. But what in life is?

Let us all keep in mind, before Diablo 4, Blizzard instituted one of the biggest cash grabs ever with Diablo Immortal… The idea of a play to win game destroys my confidence in a business to do anything with the players in mind… it’s all about the all might $$$.

Chris Wilson and the team over at PoE are probably getting a lot of laughs at how a company implodes itself And i will say for the record, the day Activision purchased Blizzard, was the day that Diablo died, and went from a fanbase inspired game, into what we see today.


With everyone spamming about shako, this important point is being missed by most. They fixed the problem by eliminating the entire point of making helltide chests drop uniques in the first place.

The entire point of the original change was to help people farm specific slot uniques like tempest roar.

To fix the shako issue, they made the chests just drop any unique so you can’t target specific uniques again. It would have made more sense to simply leave them not dropping super uniques and still let you target the slots for the other uniques. Or even just exclusively block them from dropping shako since not all classes have competing class uniques for that slot.

Gameplay Changes

  • Helltide Chests will now have the chance to drop any Unique and not be restricted to specific item slot limitations from any chest.

Developer Note: With the above change players will now be able to find Unique items from ALL Helltide Chests. Uber Unique items also have a chance to be found from all chests.


Great, just what I need, more Gohr’s Gloves. ugh.

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I always thought mystery chests were significantly better with drop rates for legendaries vs regular helltide chests. Is there any drop rate % info or data mine out there?

Eh, I don’t even care anymore. This game is a waste. I’m going to stop caring about it so much and trying to offer feedback. Pointless. Management has no clue what they’re doing. They prove that more and more every day. The game has no hope for turning around with them in place.

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Honestly, this may be the part that makes me the most mad. I legit wanted to farm a higher Raiment, and now it is basically pointless. I do not need to roll any more items, so helltides are not as interesting to me. At least before, I could target better rolls for the uniques I already have.