Blizzard do you want a massive amount of people leaving the game?

Because that what will happens if you keeping adding a lot of RNG, low drops, garbage dps, impossible endgames like high levels PIT and so on… just a huge mistake like you did in season 1.

Just read the forums… Your source of information is here. Not reddit, not X, not the streamers and not any other social media…

There´s a total of ZERO people happy with these changes…

All the changes are bad, people just want to enjoy a game and not expend the entire life playing to get something that your tempering system will brick…

You guys did it in season 1 and the season was a complete disaster.
What did you learn from that ? Absolutely nothing…

After all do you expect a lot o people buying the expansion ?
Wrong mindset and wrong direction.


Now, this is a PTR. Things don’t work well or very unbalanced. BUT if you look on how things have been unfolding, I think they want to get rid of some ppl. One cannot make sense of the stuff that’s been happening …

did you play the last PTR ? probably not. Because they nerfed even more in S4 the last PTR…

I did. And I do agree with you, read my comment again.

Well, there is one thing though, if you think the other communities are diverging from the forums, why do you think the feedback here is more valuable than others? Even though, what would happen if these people from others starts commenting a lot here and the general idea in forum becomes also different?

For one it will make them take the decision to leave faster and easier. It is important to let ppl now it’s not them, it’s the design, and there are lots of other ppl that think the same.

I agree. I know this is only PTR but I’m casually sitting back watching all this and in 1 day D4 has shown me why I haven’t touched it for a whole year.

I wanted to add one more thing here. DO NOT preorder the expansion. They have to prove their competence first.


Yah this is a sad state of affairs for sure.