Blighted Corpse Tendrils is not creating Blood orbs

Confirmed too. This bug destroys my necromancer blood build.

IF we could get at least a “we are aware and investing” response it would go a long way. Silence makes it exponentially more frustrating, especially since I am forced to only use the forums as a bug report, so I have zero idea if they’ve even seen the issue.
With “normal” bug reporting in most games you at least get a form response to know that they’ve received the report, and it’s not drowned out by just complaining and opinions. This has to be the least effective way to track bugs.


I confirm this too, build is destroyed due to this.

Can confirm. Not creating any blood orbs!
Need quick fix ASAP!


confirmed. used to work pre-patch. now it won’t generate blood orbs.

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You would think a game break bug bricking a build would be address fairly quickly…this insane.


Let’s hope this will be fixed soon :pray:

Has there been acknowledgement in another way (Twitter? Reddit?) perhaps? Though I could not find anything…

I thought perhaps it was some unique combination of something I had done, but it appears that many others are also experiencing this (I have not played in a few days, and it is extremely noticeable).

I did not see anything that mentioned changing this in any of the patch notes…

They did say that they had numerous bug fixes planned for the patch, but that this was not shown on the screen during the livestream.

So that fact that it was not there does not mean anything one way or the other.

This is not something that can wait until 1.1.1 and needs to be hotfixed.

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Lol. Or what?

I think you mean “should”, not “can”.

There are plenty of other bugs that are worse than this that have been going on for much longer than this one. It just means the game will continue to be broken for another week.

I agree that this is gamebreaking, just like the other ones, but that has not stopped them from leaving them in the game yet.

or I won’t play until then /shrug
Obviously, a bug in a game does not stop the world from spinning but my build’s centerpiece not working certainly ruins the game for me.


Can confirm this, a hotfix will be appreciated. A response from blizzard would be very welcome too.


Came here to report this too.

Everyone just needs to tweet to Joe and Adam to get some traction on this, this can’t wait 2 weeks…


That is probably the most effective thing anyone can do. Very good advice.

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I was thinking of respecing from infimist to a bone spirit blood orb spec out of boredom, but I’m glad I stumbled across this as I checked for more invoker bug reports before spending all the time and gold re-doing my gear, skills and paragon. That would have been disappointing.

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reporting this problem too

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Blue comment by any chance to state you are aware? I noticed this and its so frustrating, its not completely bricked my build but close enough.


Man was hoping this would get a hotfix today and before the weekend. I just don’t understand why a seemingly server-side maintenance results in code changes to hyper-specific spell effects like this without making it into some patch notes…