Be honest here…

I am trying to do this slowly on my hardcore. About to finish chapter 3 then will get all altars in dry steppe before moving to hawezar. My Softcore account is ready for s1.

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I’m level 93 and i’m not rushing any content because I dont want to run out of things to do like the try-hards. And i’m not gonna cheat by looking at a stupid map online either. I probably have 40+ altars to find, 50% of the dungeons to explore, 50% of the aspects to find and maybe 50 side quests to do. Also, F season one. idc lol


I’ve never managed to get all the statues… it’s so boring…

I’ll probably look at the battle pass, feel resentful about the state of the game and play POE instead.

Same , I still have 2 entire regions left and honestly can’t be bothered to do them before season starts.

Blizzard is effectively saying finish your homework before season start well I’m here to have fun not complete a list or chores

The first thing I did was renown while doing campaign. I dint mind doing some if them again in seasons. 3 months to finish half the renown just means doing strongholds and dungeons. Your gonna do some dungeons anyway farming before hitting lvl 50 and grinding NM

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I won’t play PoE again. I donated to fund it originally and regret it highly. But I’m glad you enjoy it!

I finished renown and map a while ago. As for the statues…I refuse to hunt them until I’m nearly done and only missing a small portion. I like to be wandering around and run across one.

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That’s a cool take on it.

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100% in all zones as of about a week ago.

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I don’t even try to unlock everything tbh

Potions ?, sure
Obols ?, maybe
Paragon ?, don’t think it’s worth the grind but maybe a region or two

I mean the thing is - Renown does 2 things in general

1 - start boost of power (which don’t quite seem necessary, at least not to me)
2 - spike of boost at lvl50 (which is good but not quite worth the grind tbh)

Obols would be a really nice kick-start bonus but it just increases the cap, doesn’t give you “free” Obols at the start of a game

In other words - getting some decent renown, but definitely not pushing to get all of it

Nice! I’ve got all renown unlocked but I’m not 100%. Got some side quests left.

Be honest here…

I had it all finished last week, bring on S1 (5 more days).

  1. Campaign completed. :ballot_box_with_check:
  2. All 160 Alters of Litith unlocked. :ballot_box_with_check:
  3. Map fully discovered. :ballot_box_with_check:
  4. All waypoints unlocked. :ballot_box_with_check:
  5. Mount is ready to go. :ballot_box_with_check:
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It’s coming!!! Let’s go.

When many of us are playing S1, others will still be on the forum complaining about it.

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Maybe. Hope not though.

I did them all first after story ended

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Game is bad I quit already

Nice! Got the tedious part out of the way.

Its a lot of strength in there thats great for def :slight_smile:

i deleted the game after i finished the campaign.