Be honest here…

Nice! Yeah I’m glad they carried some things over.

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finished renown a long time ago.

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Nice! You are good to go then.

I did all of that before I hit level 60 on my first toon.

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Heck ya!!! You got it man!

Don’t care at this point i finish what is finish.
If season 1 doesn’t fix that stupid text spamming and game difficulty
I will be hard pressed to even care enough to finish it beyond the story.
At which point i will be out until more fixes come in.
Dont want to burn out playing a sub optimal build of D4.
Did this with Destiney 2 and it was a mistake.

Can’t we skip story in season 1?

As far as I’m aware, yes.

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Yes,and you need to complete it once on eternal.
I mean the new Seasonal story, apparently there is one, so i thought.
Not sure how long etc.
Pretty sure there is a story quest line for the malignant hearts story.

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Good. Liked the story but not interested in playing it again until more is added.

Pretty much no need to play again for a while tbh.
Wish we could just repeat the bosses though some cool ones in there.

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It looks promising; I won’t hold my breath, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.


Boss farming would be nice.

The should just appear in dungeons in n/m sigils after you beat campign imo, get added to the roster.
Something like that could be fun.

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A couple of bosses would be tough in some of those small dungeon boss areas lol.

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Or roaming hell tides. Or special events, a la legion events.


Good idea! I like this one.

my big guy died in hardcore so i have to rush a new one before that 18th patch lol

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Rough. Good luck to you!

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I will be honest. I have 2 characters and i play without finished renown so i lack a lot of paragon points , my characters are doing both millions of numbers with a single hit anyway. Im one shotting elites and 2-3 shot bosses in nightmares as it is. I will NEVER grind the last 1-2 renown tabs EVER. I think they should NEVER GATE character power behind such system. If anything … renown should award some cosmetics or unlocking special vendors for 10 % xp potions or whatever else u can come up with…,but NOT actual character power! It is so DUMB its beyond me. Imagine next wow expansion they put 20 % of ur talent points behind such system. It is so full of sh!t its incredible. I have all talent points and all lilith altars but i will NEVER farm the last paragon points and i will never do all the side quests. They are not fun and they feel like a job, they rewarding pathetic experience and rewards and the only reason to do them is to unlock those 20 paragon points… ye sure … it wont happen ever! Blizzard never learn… not from wow legion ( the dumbest expansion with similar system) not from previous diablo tittles not from anything. Half the team creates such beautiful world and graphics and combat style and then comes the morons with their dumb ideas of system like renown to basically make the game not fun at all.

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