Be honest here…

Is that true? I’m surprised I haven’t seen it anywhere.

They were already going to carry over the map and statues anyways. Which were my biggest concerns. Those alone will give you 3 free tabs of renown to start.

No doubt, but… not as fun as doing “kill or be killed” was for me. I know I had to do them and I should do them but…


Min/max - sure, can’t deny that. I’m not going to really say “I’m not a true Diablo fan because I didn’t do the checkbox grind right away!” Sorry… I felt like killing people once I got my Crone Staff for Druid =) (Also the Elite density is quite good in Dashnar).

Diablo is one of the three IPs I am a fanboy over… I just got entrapped by the PvP which I never thought would happen (didn’t PvP much in D2)

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early game the statues make you feel stronger but late game they just make getting paragon nodes double effect a little easier for you which is still nice

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With a game as frustrating as this one has launched, I think it’s important to play your character in a way that kindles joy for you.

Kind of true… still looking for Tempest Roar. The Druid boards seem to be finding more of them though but this week was a busy week for me at work with a bunch of forecasting deadlines ./shrug


lol me had to push to get the renown done in the past week far enough to get what carries over dungeons felt forever trying to get done altars was a breeze

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I feel this way about the occasional Necromancer uniques but I saw someone complain about not getting Ring of Mendalin and while I had 2 drop in the same session, so … give and take, it seems.

My personal theory is they drop the items opposite your build more often than ones that compliment your build.

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I believe this. I drop A LOT of trash that’s absolutely useless for me.

Every 400th piece of gear is actually not bad … until you look at the rolls and realise they’re mid with maybe one max.

im still trying to farm the sorc unique helm since i havent seen it yet. every other sorc unique wasnt worth keeping so surely i am just waiting to get that one right?

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If I drop a Shako I’m going to send a love letter to Blizz HQ.

“It’s almost Christmas, it’s almost Christmas.”

Just cash in that account and never play this game again. :rofl:

On the 18th will be christmas. TONS of new uniques… ok… at least… gimme a sec (after 30 mins returns proud an giggling) 1 more than i got fingers on my hand.

I made myself sad while writing this. I have to run some nm-dungeons to make me even more sad.

Btw is there a dance emote in D4?

Maybe i can sing today:

Watchiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnng with EYES IN THE DARK… lalalalalalaa la la laa LAAAAAA

Sometimes a little hair of the dog is the only cure.

Only play hardcore. Character that I farmed all the alters and map on is dead. Can’t be bothered to re-discover all of them/it. Probably going to skip a few seasons if not wait until and expansion until I revisit. Game isn’t in a state that I enjoy playing it right now and S1 doesn’t look interesting. Of course full patch notes haven’t been released, but I don’t have high expectations they’ll fix enough if any of the actual issues keeping people away.

When I feel like making a character I have no attachment to as a goof, they’ll be my HC character.

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Only things I have yet to complete is 100% achievements, kill echo of lillith, and complete nm tier 100.

Honestly I don’t see myself completing any of those as I can’t seem to find gear and or improve myself anymore. It’s like all the improvements just disappeared, like they toggled a stat jumble switch in the back end. Because I never find 3 synergistic stats anymore so i can roll the 4th.

I don’t want to roll another character until the map progress and stuff is transferred.

I could I’m sure I could eventually find the gear/stuff I need. But I feel dirty doing the reset thing, afking waiting for crap to respawn to kill steal someone else’s mobs. Not like it matters because the loot drops for them and exp is rewarded to them, But it makes me feel dirty. It just feel like I’m farming for ber runes that never drop at this point. While staring at similar icons and item names, while one eye squinting at their spreadsheets of stats. While knowing I need the perfect aspects for the perfect gear that never seems to drop. OR EVEN NEAR PERFECT, or moderately for that matter.

i would have warned you that making a hardcore character in the pre season with many bugs and an always online server between you death was a bad idea, but you probably should have already known that honestly.