Battlepass - Worst EVER

I have never in my whole life seen so BAD battlepass.

I rly mean it.

  • Absolutely disgusting garbage free skins
  • smaldering ash locked behind imbecil high levels.
  • 666 silver, when all items starts at 800. (this is a 3rd-class country mechanic - giving players something, which in fact is NOTHING)

Yea. turds.

Jesus, Im calling it WORST BATTLEPASS on this planet.


While I’m not one for hyperbole, I have to agree that the BP is very not good.


I do find the level restriction odd especially since I unlocked the first ashes reward in the 20s.


https ://

Yes, the level restrictions on Ashes needs to go.


I’m currently about 25+ levels below the ashes i’ve unlocked. Meaning that there’s about 10 of them I have unlocked but can’t claim. It’s pretty absurd. Why even have a level requirement on them? I know it’s so that people that buy the premium pass can’t get the bonuses before the non-premium, because that would be effectively play to win.

So just have them unlock based on amount of exp earnt to get to that point.


I feel like I’m in the minority that I feel like…the BP is pretty decent for $10? Cosmetics have plenty of reskins, but they’re nice enough and plenty value for $10. Even if the currency you get is hilariously low.

Though honestly I didn’t know it’s become “standard” to give folks who buy it enough currency to buy the next one and that’s still a weird idea to me. I like it, but seems like a bad monetization decision on the part of a company.

Not that I’m buying this BP, Blizzard has screwed up far, far too badly for me to give them any money for quite a while after giving them the $70 for D4.


Yeah its pretty bad. My friends and I were just talking about this. Having platinum rewards that literally afford you nothing in the shop is hardcore bait.

Also, the items on the Battle pass are quite literally the most boring, drab cosmetics ever. None of them play into Class identity, which is typically Blizzard’s strong suit.

I’m at a loss at this point. I have 300 hours with the game, a Lv100 Barb with BiS and a Season Rogue in World Tier 4. There’s ZERO reason this Season needed a new Season realm. It’s just the worst.

These developers literally stood on the shoulders of giants with a beloved IP and released what I can only qualify is a horribly middling product. Shows what good marketing can do.


The only “pay to win” aspect of getting the ashes with tier skips is in PvP. No where else are you competing with other players. In that sense, I don’t consider it P2W.


F2P games do this to encourage consistent engagement, while pointing you to a shop where you actually spend the money.

Their BP feels rewarding and enjoyable because you get a lot of shinies, you might be inclined to spend money in the shop to add to your collection.

The funny thing about the D4 battle pass is you get 666 platinum from it, the cheapest item on their shop is 800. So you literally can’t even get something from their shop after a seasons BP worth of currency is attained. Feels bad.


Would it even, though? So what, they level a bit faster or get a bit more vendor gold or their elixers last a bit longer…oh no, the horror.


Also cant claim my lvl 31 battle pass skin… for gloves while im way past it atm sitting at lvl 52 battle pass lvl… its been like this for days…

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Yeah the ash being locked at super high levels is stupid AF. Like why give it to us when it’s almost done and it don’t matter. Give it to us when we need the mats, gold, exp etc.

There is also some stupid things to complete. Kill 15 world bosses in wt4 for the destroyer tier. That’s ridiculous. It should be like 5, they spawn every 6 hours, and this is just pushing for more lower level people to go there, which I myself will be doing. I still like the skins and the silver. Its better than no silver. But I think there should be more options. Like that last tier you have to complete 6/8 and one is killing lilith on wt 4 and another is getting to 100, and the 15 world bosses. I didn’t really wanna push to 100. But I don’t wanna spend time learning the lilith fight either. There should be more options.


yes, its is stupid.
20 characters


Hmm, I dunno. I think the battlepass is OK. If Blizzard didn’t hit the entire game with the nerf bat, the battlepass would be alot more enjoyable and I think more people would be positive about it. But when you crop dust your entire player base like that, they think pretty much everything smells like doodoo.


The free tunic unlock is great on female rogue if you give her no pants in the cosmetic window.


Show us on the doll where the battlepass hurt you.

I like the free red shirt cosmetic all classes get but it looks like a moomoo on Druid class - kinda like the one homer wears in the Simpsons



Whomever thought that was necessary is most likely contributing to every hot garbage change we’ve seen so far.

Always annoying to see a company that just lets one or a few people constantly lose them customers but never does anything about it.

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Also at max level the XP boost is 8% … which is still at a -2% reduction from the max possible pre-nerf XP bonus lol.

When I heard them mention XP boosts I thought we would be talking like 50% boosts not these small ones.


the fact that you dont even get enough platin to buy the next season pass in a pay 2 play game makes it easily the worst pass ever. Lot of f2p games have a pass that when you complete it, you can afford the next