Battle Pass (later) activation

Hi I have a question. I bought the D4 digital deluxe edition.
The story was really nice and I’ve had a lot of fun but after that pffff.
So I really don’t want to activate the BP for season 1 because the season 1 content is also pffff. Is this possible?


Grain of salt here and doing some quick research might go a long way but…

I read that you have to physically activate your BP.
I DO NOT know how they work in regards to buying one and ‘something comes up’/‘skipping X season’. I assume it would remain until you chose to use it.

If you purchased the Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition, the game comes with an accelerated battle pass. Once the season star, just visit the Seasons section of the menu and hit the button to activate the pass. Since battle passes will come and go with Diablo 4’s seasons, you will have to purchase a new one each season.

How does the Diablo 4 Battle Pass work?
The Diablo 4 Battle Pass is directly tied to the Season of the Malignant. Diablo 4 is operating a seasonal model, where you’ll need to start a new Seasonal character and then progress it from scratch to earn special cosmetics and items.

Quick search. None of which answers your question.
I’m curious myself now.

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Thank you. I haven’t found it. Searched for it in my native language and haven’t found anything about it. So I came here to ask.

tl;dr - you can save it for future seasons


Yes, if you got the BP via the higher tier D4 pre-order bundles. That is very specific to the pre-order though. That is not how it normally works, I don’t think.

I really don’t think so. When you buy the Season 1 BP from the store as a separate order it would apply it to your account immediately. If you don’t complete that before Season ends, you lose access to the cosmetics. You CAN wait until you are done the Season milestones before getting it though. So you know you are done and just get all the Cosmetics you already earned.

I faq on the 1st date. I activate battlepass for season 1.