Basic skills are so much worse than they should be

I have a pulv druid at 70 and with visilys yes I will agree basic skills have gotten better on him. I am not speaking just for 1 build though. I have other classes in the 50-70 range as well with fully fleshed out builds. Some have great resource management. Even still, if basic skills just did a bit more damage or a bit more resource gen, the fluidity of gameplay would increase quite a bit.

they should rebalance damage between core and basic attacks. let the basic attacks be preferable against some of the weaker enemies. every build shouldn’t revolve around one attack clearing a screen full of enemies.


This is the most rounded and informative response. I identified my own error because of your response, so thank you.

It’s the same ring for everyone, has a range of 20-40% refund.

Also, you can turn on more detailed tooltips in the gameplay options to be able to see the stat ranges.

if you can log in, that is.


yeah… um… not happening lol


I think if you want to you can build away from the basic skills entirely as you progress further, but in the beginning you will be using basic skills because of longer cooldowns, less ressource regen and higher ressource cost.

I think they should rebalance them. We knows everybody use them on level 1. They can implement a new level up like +4 resource gain per level

Just don’t use a basic skill… find the setup/aspects/gear to generate without one and throw in an extra defensive!

There is “basic damage” increase as a stat and I go after it a lot. My Lunge (barb basic) has just under 7k on the toolbar (hits for a lot more due to bonuses on gear).

A big one is “base attack speed” affix that anyone can get in a affix dungeon… There are better versions in the wild. I had one with +65% basic speed… and i’ll tell you, the difference was insane… :slight_smile:


Barb is just insane. After the nerfs still stand awake like a hero. Btw frenzy + 65% basic speed will try it if servers can goes up today

I would love that, extra resource gen/level would make them feel better to put points into. I could do without some passive nodes and put some extra points into basic skill if that was the case.

It might be a thing for them also. I think they already think about it but didn’t implement. So, people can play the game longer and get used to play slowly. When they’ll release Season 2-3 people would take much much fun from 20% extra movement speed and 30% attack/cast speed. Small things but can change the whole game echosystem

A Rogue jumped me in pvp (no problem) I was chasing him around the map using nothing my lunge at +65 speed, it was hilarious… :slight_smile:

i have to agree here… the basic skills are disgusting. I am not sure what it is exactly but using a basic skill in d2 and d3 was alot more fun than here.

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D2 didn’t even technically have basic skills. Kind of, but not really. The game wasn’t builder spender in the same way d3 and 4 are. D2 had skills that were early level, and weaker than late game skills sure, but they used resource and some had synergies strong enough they were used in final builds (not as attacks, but as passive synergies lol).

LOL yeah this is exactly what happened to me too. I didn’t play betas, was wait for launch. He jumped me and hide in cloud. I hit him so hard, stunned. Released then I used my another stun. But the funny thing is, he was level 32 I was level 36. He one-shotted me. This was an experience I would never go PvP with Druid till level 70 :smiley:

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I enjoy the Rogue knockback. I setup a poison trap, then let them run into it, then just basic attack and keep them stuck on the trap and just die to the ticks. and since I have the ability to have my knocked back mob knock over other mobs, its just a win/win/win/win…

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It all depends how your gear is set up with imprints and stats, both my sorc and necro regen super quick!

The only class that plays well from what I’ve experienced and have read is PULV druid lol… my pulv druid plays like a d3 character do like 1-3 basic attacks and I can spam slams like mad crazy and I even get a proc that fills my spirit back to full. I just played rogue to 62 and playing an “Stier build” and I’m getting clapped left and right. instead of nerfing everything like they did they need to bring other classes up this is just ridiculous. It feels like they have no idea how to make games anymore it’s insane.

Coupled this with long cooldowns and it’s a toxic concoction. Stop bringing MMO into ARPGs for god sake.

Already bad in D3 and they still carried that sort of stuff over to D4.