Basic skills are so much worse than they should be

It’s just weird when it says your weapon does like 800 dps but then you use your basic skill and you’re hitting for like 100 dmg. Da f


Most basic skills should be removed entirely. They’re bloat that add nothing of value to the gameplay.

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that’s pretty much it. i don’t get why they do so little damage. you could double it and they would still not be used over a core skill.
Basic + Core was a mistake, it’s outdated and badly designed. Single target + Multi target would have been better.

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Yeah this is something I’d expect to get looked at. I’m playing Sorc and tonight took my basic skill off my hotbar, replaced it with a defensive and am enjoying better success. I miss the frenetic clicking but clicking for no apparent gain is counter-productive. Hope they’ll beef the basic skills up.

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The long down times wouldn’t be an issue if they actually listened and added more skills you could use on your hotbar. They have to either implement aspects that empower basic skills or make decent QoL changes to resource management now.


I took mine off my bar as soon as I had alternate ways of gaining resource. +1 to the suggestion that they need something.

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I’d rather see Barbarian as the only class with resource generating basic attacks. The rest of the classes would have resource generation that’s sufficient to maintain a steady flow of action with little downtime as long as you’re not being foolish with your attacks. And Barb’s basic attacks would hit harder while still generating resource.

Ya know, basically just redo the whole system. Cuz this “builder/spender” design is extremely NOT fun.

stop referencing things u have no clue about. d3 had many builds that did not rely on spenders.

just one example barbs had a frenzy build they used their builder as the main damage source


Or the whole design of the system is just bad. That’s far more likely.

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My basic does…

A guaranteed stun every 4th hit
20% damage reduction for 5.5 seconds
.5% armor for 3 seconds stacking to 50%
14*7 fortify each swing
10-15K overpowers.

Level 62 barbarian, WT3 breaking into WT4.

Y’all sure you’re using your basic right?

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Basic skills are much better with an aspect that gives 54% basic attack speed I found. I’ve had that on my weapons for so long I can’t imagine going back. I also have basic skill 20% dmg reduction on my helmet

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You’re still hitting things like a wet noodle when you can get 10x more value from getting aspects that boosts your core skills. That is, unless you’re going for some Frenzy build.

Something like +200% to non elite/bosses would help. I don’t mind not melting a boss with my basic skill, but I do want to mow down garbage mobs.

Well yeah, it’s not a 50K deathblow but it puts in solid work for me.

You have limited slots for affixes, aspects, and gems, so if you want strength in one area you sacrifice in others.

People complaining about basic probably have 1 point in it expecting it to hold a candle to their core the whole build is catered around.


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Just started on nightmare at lvl 50 and i cant relate to this at all.

Hope for damage increase, so there is possible some basic skill build especially for barb.

I agree, basic skills should generate more resources.

It has a roll range from 25 to 40.

Bois, turn on advanced tooltips. It’s under the gameplay options menu.

Right. If you aren’t a sorc or a Barb and find yourself using basic attacks, you want this aspect and you want the aspect that makes your next core skill do more damage every time you use basic attack - your core skills feel a lot better when they’re coming out lightning fast and providing a greater damage contribution.

Agree with OP. D3 even had builds where the basic skills did the lion share of the damage. Like those monk fist weapons.

Blizz does this with pretty much any game that can have them. WoW gameplay revolves around the same thing. “Do no damage that builds up to big damage” Its basically a combo points system just package in slightly differently.

Just give us the means to have “infinite” resource through resource leech or just a regen that you can invest into enough to not have to worry about it. Then if needed just nerf the core skill damage to compensate for more frequent use.

The damage of the basic skill doesnt really matter, its that they are designed in such a way that they feel weak, slow, just bad mechanically. Every core skill is designed to feel good to use. All in all the damage in all of this is irrelevant, its what feels good to use that matters.