Barbs feel like garbage leveling

Keeping this short and sweet…barb feels weak, undertuned, and skills dont feel impactful at all. The new skill mighty swing is interesting to play with but even that feels lacking in dps. At least the other classes feel good as of now.

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Is that initially (leveling) or after getting the Tempers/Uniques to beef it up?

Did something major change? Druids have always been the slowest at leveling, but have barbs usurped them?

And yeah, that new ability is…odd. I had a throw barb in diablo 2, but that pulsing throw does not interest me.

No temperings except the one magic manual i found because im trying to simulate a fresh season start but I found the leg aspect that allows to throw 3 at one time and its pretty nice in helltides.


I always found Druid quick, at least if you go Earth. Aside from that 30 minute jaunt to get the Spirits.

Landslide, Creeper, Pulverize, and Trample always worked well for me.

I’m pretty sure it isn’t damage that you’re lacking. The major flaw of barbarian has always been aoe. Barbarians lack ways to hit more than one monster. Try running dungeons with tight corridors.

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I mean, no one levels slow in casual friendly D4, but Druid has always leveled the slowest.