Barbed Carapace Feedback

Leveled a fresh barb 1-60+ pit 65 using Barbed Carapace. Node works great early on I zoomed through leveling up to torment 3 super quick does great until pit 60 then hits a brick wall 60-65 pit is rough it runs out of ways to scale the damage even sitting at like 40k HP. Allow thorns to crit in PVE vs monsters and this build would work out well be torment 4 viable but still wouldn’t be a top tier build but a viable choice for players looking for a diferent option.

Edit: looks like someone from asia figured out how to scale this build already might be a bug though. Clearing out tier 100 pits in like 1-2min


Were you using razorplate? and/or do you have a link to your build by any chance?

I’ve been wanting to try this passive but if we hit a wall at 65 then I don’t think I will bother.

I got a razorplate in torment 2-3 just a legendary 750 one though, worked fine without it before that. But the damage on thorns falls off hard at around pit 60-65 sadly. You can clear pit in like 1min but get stuck on boss forever cause most bosses only hit you maybe 1 time per 10seconds and your single target since thorns can’t crit can’t keep up with the HP scaling of the mobs. But if your curious what I used to level this build, whirlwind + all thorns nodes all 3 shouts. Shouts will keep up your AOE thorns +HP & Thorns from challenging shout. All thorns aspects, then dust devils for remainder aspects. Stack HP(target it on paragon boards) + STR since these scale your thorns. Temper thorns on gear. I don’t have a link to it made it on the fly but that’s pretty much the basics. Doom bringer triple HP masterwork doubles your life doesn’t even need to be greater affix. Insanely fast clearing/leveling build level 1-torment 3 though. Hits a brick wall at the end of torment 3. I will edit a build planner in for you in a bit if you want.

I would appreciate a planner if you don’t mind, it would help speed up my experimenting.

Added one, good luck. It smashes early maybe you can figure out how to scale it into torment 4. After hitting the wall in pits 60-65 I swapped to weapon throw to scale into torment 4 currently at 92 pits. Had to edit it falling asleep it’s fixed now.

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Thanks, will give it a grind. I am trying very hard to not give into the “play the way that we say” that Blizzard wants so am avoiding weapon throw.

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It was extremely easy leveling experience, and it blow threw pits 1-55 quick to farm up materials and glyphs. Could be a good league starter to swap to something else. Was able to farm torment 3 uber bosses with it, but they take a while to get down. Have fun. I’m doing deathblow+weapon throw with unbridled rage. Not sure if others are doing the same Just going my own route currently.

I’ve been messing around with it. I can easily get to the end boss of a lvl 80 but then the single target issue creeps in, so just plugging away at that.

we have been beaten to it

Actually, some guy figured out WW thorns and broke the game apparently. There’s videos of it now.

So we can do some deeps now? Huzzah!

Clears tier 100 in 2-3min

Balance has been achieved :joy: can Druid and Necro do 2-3 min runs as well?

I saw necro spirit wave clear pretty fast not sure on time though.

ok, so now that the infinite damage build with thorns has been figured out and will be deleted, can we now sort out the cut to the bone passive which is the complete opposite and is functioning as a zero damage passive?

this one here: