Barbarian is too weak


I am (was) playing as a Barbarian in this season and I feel that it is way too weak, I guess, I’m no expert with this game. I don’t remember sweating with the Sorcerer in S4 (at least until the pit bosses), and that class was, maybe, the weakest in that season.

Even though I have decent equipment, with some good damage tempers for a part of it, I hit a wall in a normal dungeon (level 30): I’m not joking when I say now that, while fighting the final boss, I felt like fighting a pit boss in S4 (I didn’t even finish the dungeon, why bother?). I had a not-so-easy time even getting to level 30, but this is ridiculous: a level 30 dungeon boss should not take that many hits to die. And at this level, we don’t even need to speak of equipment: with the Sorcerer, last season, I was stomping the dungeons while leveling to 100.

I don’t know what happened but this doesn’t seem like the uber class people spoke of in the last season. It’s just sad, and I won’t come back to it.

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I dono what you are on about.

I smashed the capstone for WT 4 at level 34 and am currently whirlwinding around Nightmare dungeon stg 55’s as a level 66.

It’s as strong as ever and the end game barbs are still 2-3 shotting torm bosses at decent gear

You’re level 30? You don’t know anything about the class yet then. Go lvl up to 100 and then talk.


barb is infamous for its leveling , but if you got dust devil , everything will be instantly better for new players

Yeah, barbs are pretty lame this season.
I was “forced” to reroll druid for our Hell 7 runs,
even with 12/12 ultra gear barbs hit like a wet noodle.
It’s basically bash or flay, nothing else works super endgame

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This is true. My barb is MAXXXXXXED out and I do NO damage to enemies in Infernal Hordes T8. I have Shako, Starless with GA crit chance and 3/3 masterwork crits on the GA crit chance (gices 33.8% crit). I also have Tyrael’s Might and The Grandfather. Using Rob’s WW DD build generally, altho I changed up one Paragon Glyph and am using a different aspect on my boots than he is (using Grasping Whirlwind because I have GA move speed on boots, so I don’t need to run Ghostwalker – I sit at the 200% move speed cap at all times even while holding down WW channel).

And guess what? With my maxxxxxxxxxed out Barbarian with all my ubers and full 12/12 masterworking, I can barely do T8 solo, although T7 isn’t too bad. Bosses take FOREVER to kill. My tornadoes are capping out about 30-32mil on crit with Elements up, but otherwise crit for like 18-20mil or so.

Compare that to my friend, a Rogue playing Andariel Barrage I think is his build… his poison ticks for 250 MILLION PER TICK. And DoTs tick for either 2 or 4 times a second. So he’s doing a half a billion to a BILLION damage per second, meanwhile my cute little MAXXXXXED OUT BARBARIAN WHO IS WAY BETTER GEARED THAN MY FRIEND’S ROGUE is doing like… 50 mil dps? Maybe 75 mil dps at the most?

I mean Barbs are something like 10x too weak in terms of damage output. It’s just kinda… pathetic how bad we are. We needed Gushing Wounds to be as strong as it was last patch, because without it we could not keep up.

The re-work to Gushing Wounds was fine, because a 50x multiplier doesn’t belong in the game. But the new version of it, and the neutered other key passives, are pathetic.

Add on top of that all the other “small nerfs here and there” thrown at the Barbarian and we are getting COOKED by all other classes this season, it’s laughable.

This is the first season I’ve seen Rob prefer to main a non-Barb class (he is a Sorc main this season, as of like 2 days ago lol). He totally gave up on his Barb, because there’s just no juice to squeeze on the class.

Devs are idiots. I hate 'em. They way over-nerfed Barbs. The whole problem was Gushing Wounds. They just needed to tone it down, by making most of the +Crit Dmg additive instead of multiplicative, which is actually what they did. It’s just undertuned.

They need to revert all the key passive changes with the mid-season patch in a few weeks, and they need to buff a lot of our ways of multiplying damage.


The nerf of Barbs just proved devs have no ideas about class balance at all. And they just balance the game according to the streamers who have nearly perfect gears and many crying babies.

They cried about barb being strong but now the S4 is over, clearly Sorc was the best class to push the pit , rogue came second and barb the third. I am not saying buffing sorc and other classes to make they perform better when without good gears was wrong. But when it came to the end with good gears , barbs are just not that strong as they cried about. Plus you have to farm more items to even catch up other class . But the devs never figured it out. They only listen to the streamers who loves to show crazy numbers ignoring the fact normal players would never grind that much.

Instead, they doubled down. They nerfed the key passives which are not strong at the first place : gushing wounds has been bugged since S0, now it finally works, they nerf it to the ground ; unbride rage cost twice the damage to deal 1.45 damage , which was from 2.45 then 2 making core skills basicly trash to use ; WA nobody is using it at the first place! .
So they took the power away from the class tree which means if you play a barb , your power comes from items . You will have to grind even harder to catch up other class. Because the skill damage multi is so low compared to other class ,now the passives dont give enough power.

all in all , it just so tiring to play. Especially when you see a sorc blast the whole screen with trash gears and you barb with gigachad gears is struggling to deal some damage.


Agree. Sorc,Druid and Rogue have x100 more dps than Barbarian in Season 5.


This is what I’ve been saying since I saw they were nerfing Barb key passives!

The Developers are clueless idiots who have no idea why the Barb is strong, OR THE FACT that it was only #3 last season in The Pit (which showcases the pinnacle of a class’s maximum potential), NOT number 1 like all the crying online made it SEEM like was true.

I am overwhelmingly disappointed in the direction of this game and the laughable ‘class balance team.’


The fact that these devs still have jobs is amazingly ridiculous.


WW is fun. Good for speed 5s or normal 6s. No idea how hota is. I’ve found one 12x aspect and i aint using garbage aspects.

No desire to play bash. Did enough last season. I was in robs channel on youtube (glad I can finally watch him now as twitch ads are too much) as he was doing a tier list feature. Barbs are last. Yikes. Nerfs are cool but lets not kill the patient during treatment.

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Have a ww barb myself. Everything is about close to Rob’s barb as it gets. Still feels damage lacks around t8 compare to rogue or sorc. Hell my 72 rogue with ok gear just cleared a t98 nmd. Gonna be scary once I optimized her lol

Yikes, best I can do for my barb is about 1-3 milion, 8-10 million on crit and overpower with a small AOE. I have issues clearing NMD 70+, pit 60+ and horde T6 and none of the uber bosses; I have to join a team to clear them. Last season I could do all NMD and pits 120 and all uber bosses.

I like playing solo, I like the barb for ease of play (casual player that I am), but here I am thinking of building another class char just so I can get the mats for my barb to help him progress. That to me seems wrong and unfair.


I used to do pits 61 chill, did 80 most last season with gear 8,9/12 this season I cannot even do pit 31 in reasonable time, I need mats from level 61 to upgrade my gear but I cannot do level 61 pit so how am I supposed to get stronger lol. Something is completely wrong, I should be able to do level 31 pits once I’m on 4/12 upgrade to continue upgrading. Not on 8,9/12. It feels like they completely disabled gushing wounds instead of nerfing them. It’s impossible that just NERF got me from pit level 81 to pit 31.


yeah same problem this season…last season i did pit 101 but this season im stuck at pit 60…but i need neathiron to upgrade further…tormented bossed i cant kill… the dmg spikes in pit 61 kill me instant… infernal hordes max level 6…but no neathiron there…

My buddy sorc carried me in T6
I couldnt do anything,just run and die around

And u cant do horde 7 either
Lovked out of neathirron

jeah…really poopy this season -.- dont want to start again with another class

I’m rupturing for about 700M now, but it’s rare I get to beat on things long enough to build up that much bleed damage. My sorcerer friend melts infernal hordes. I generally need bleed ticks to be about 20M or so. Now with this insane single target DPS you’d think I would shine in boss fights. But with bosses running around, going invulnerable, setting up one shots, etc it’s such a pain (if not impossible) to set up.

I’m pretty sure with more fine tuning I’ll be doing 1B ruptures…in theory.

Patch notes today. Maybe we get some love…