Barb world first uber lilith kill

ALL DONE BY SPINNING FOR 5 minutes to charge up his damage, instantly kills her in 2nd phase, 10 mill damage hits.

nice balancing and testing blizzard. Couldn’t expect any better!

but weren’t people crying WW was nerfed? also what dropped? anything special?

You know what is sad about it. Is that in order to kill her we need to use a bug. I do not mind if he/she did 10mil damage. It can do 1billion damage I would not give a damm. It’s just that at some point they asking for it. They asking for us the find loophole to kill stuff or farm or just play the damm f game.

I know right? LOL these people crack me up.

Damage stacking bug. Already seen another vid of a barb farming helltide and hitting in the trillions… Abuse at your own risk. Blizz loves to ban for exploits.

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Don’t worry they are already nerfing the aspect that allows this and will likely nerf the abilities as well.

And they disabled the aspect that allowed for it.

Still it is lame. Instead of fixing it they will nerf everything to the ground to the point the game wont be playable.

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Video of it.

Also thread I made about the incoming nerfs

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It was a bug. WW was nerfed to hell, the dude used an exploit, which is a completely different thing.

I don’t the aspect is the only thing to blame. Snap shotting buffs not wearing off is also the issue.

I heard she dropped a shako and a grandfather.

Also, I have a bridge in London for sale. Needs some work done to it though.

No, what they will do is make meta very very specific. like what happened in D3 and Rathma runs. 3 necro’s and a zbarb

You’re going to be really bummed to find out that all damage sources snapshot in some way. Easy to test with Firewall and any temporary damage buff.

So every other class will get nothing and game will become even more boring gotcha!

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You are going to be bummed to find out they will nerf this and you won’t be able to do it anymore.

Whew thank god they ruined TB rogue and made it unplayable.

??? I don’t even play Barb. Lol

it’s still playable. I try it earlier today. I had no problem doing 1mil by time to time. And I am using a rapid fire build imagine xD

It’s pretty common to have a system that updates DoTs and damage buffs on the fly to prevent issues like this. Barb basically got to pop all CD’s and never stop spinning and the entire time the dmg kept going up cause buffs never expired. An update system prevents this easily.