Banned recently?

You vote for indentured servitude on a planet that you can’t survive on without the lifeline of the wealthy?

Okay, sure, you do you.

Personally, I’d jettison myself off the craft mid-flight.

Im not sure Elon knows what planet HES on. Hes definitely in no condition to be bringing people to other ones.

I thought most people realized in the last year that the reality is… he’s kind of dumb…

Meh, twitter is better now that the CIA doesn’t run it.

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Twitter has been a complete unmitigated disaster

I’ll take my chances, I’ve seen Total Recall.

The people who were trying to pose as others using the verified status was a clownshow for sure.

But now that he owns it my chances of signing up for a twitter account went from 0% to 2%.

I had 5 accounts banned for “botting” including my main account.

It took well over a year for them to investigate, all theh did was tell me they investigated, and they know 100% for sure without question I was botting.

I was never botting, I never even so much as had a VPN, there was no point at which I used any macro software or anything. I had 4 accounts sitting in dal doing silk pants shuffle… all that was was “craft all” via tailoring ui, then used a addon to sell all items in my bag when bags full.

I played on my main account and had 4 accounts running when I was online shuffling they took approx 2-3 mins to fill the bags before I emptied bags. It was clear as day that there was no botting because when I was busy in a dungeon or a battleground the accounts would idle since I was too busy to empty the bags. It also would have been incredibly easy to corralate the timestamps for actions done within the accounts to see that sales and the like were done at random intervals, again, when I noticed they were full, and one one window at a time.

But no, blizzard refused to investigate and instead repeatedly threatened to close my entire bnet account for ticket abuse, before FINALLY someone looked into it, realized I did NOTHING wrong and unbanned me.

They ban people based on reports, rarely actually investigate, and you have to go so far out of your way to make them do their job it’s staggering. I am extremely thankful that my last ticket was finally answered by someone who was actually willing to do their job and realized that it was a false ban.

You mean the movie about a cruel dystopian future where people on Mars suffer under the tyrannical rule of a vicious billionaire?

Have you actually seen Total Recall?.


As someone who has been incorrectly banned in Diablo 2, not once, not twice but three times! I can tell you for the more “advanced PC user” it’s a lot more common that you’d think.

All 3 of my Diablo II bans were removed after a few weeks of appealing each time. I’m not sure others would have been unbanned because I was able to provide a LOT more evidence than a standard user to prove my innocence including a list of processes that were running and links to each software.

One of my bans was for a video recording software that hooked into every single process, another was because a windows update delayer was coded in a macro language (we all know what one) and the last was a straight up mistake from Blizzard.

Lul, you make a good point :laughing:

Its not just that. Theres something people call the Elon Effect. See when he was talking about rockets or electric cars or drilling huge holes under ground people just kinda took him at his word because most people dont understand rockets or electric cars… and assumed he was actually brilliant.

But then he bought a software company. And started talking about software. And programming. Things LOTS of people understand very well. And the things hes been saying are just… laughably stupid. Like things youd be embarrassed to hear from an intern. And then whenever anyone asks him about it he goes all defensive, lashes out and, if possible, fires them.

He’s a big dumb child lol


I now record 100% of my time on blizzard games, via external video capture card. Because they cannot be trusted to do their jobs. Some do, absolutely, but there are a lot who do not and simply handwave the ticket away “nope you got flagged somehow so you are guilty, doesn’t matter what happened, next!”

Course not, when you have laws that help companies avoid any and all possible problems.

They can ban you for X reason, yet you can NEVER repeal it legally?


When did the law state ‘Just make a contract’ was ever fully legally binding?

Contracts are equal to both sides, not monopolies on another. Like you and your account, you paid for it.

Imagine if Sony could come and take your PS5.

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Yea aside from Tesla and SpaceX his other ventures are really just ideas on a napkin.

I thought it was hilarious when he went on a spree of discouraging people from using AI… up until he created his own AI company… lol wut?

You paid for entry into their theme park and agreed to their rules when you did it. But they reserve to right eject you from said park if you violate those rules.

You paid for access. That doesnt mean you have irrevocable access forever

What about going to town, and immediately AFKing for several minutes because the pizza they ordered arrived…?

Or because it was time to feed their pet…?

Or because their child cried out in distress, so as a responsible parent they absolutely had to go check on them…?

None of that is “abusing an exploit”, it’s dealing with the interruptions of real life. And yes, the last one could result in AFKing in that town for an hour or more (e.g., if you need to take your kid to the hospital).

Nor does everyone necessarily know that you CAN stand in town for hours, and earn XP based on party members’ activities. Before this thread, I certainly never even considered the possibility …!

So, how long “standing in town” does it take, then?


Rofl, people getting banned for going AFK?

I’ve seen it all now.

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hahahahaah this can be " It’s the straw that breaks the camel’s "

i just want to better understand this … phantomatic blizzard eula’s

i have correctly understand ?.. people that used “processes” in background that blizzard says not allowed get a ban ?..

how blizzard know WHAT processes is present on my PC ?.
people that uses “screen recording software like OBS” get banned ?. i understand correctly ???.

Many games use software that scans for certain processes running in background. This isn’t new.

But I don’t agree with that unless its a competitive E-sports game.

Wild examples… and also clearly not at all what is potentially getting people banned. The game logs you out after x minutes for a reason. Going afk is obviously fine. The issue is people using scripts etc to make sure they never go afk, so they can park near events etc and leech afk exp.

That will get you banned

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