Banned for use of malicious 3rd party software

Then this is your first time online then. I’ve read accounts for over 20 years of wrongful banns to find out the poster was lying.

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I read these threads all the time. My conclusion is different than yours however. In the vast majority of the threads the issue is unresolved and it’s never known whether the ban is false or not.

I’ve gotten a vacation from these forums a few times, but never been banned in any game. I did get banned from private servers in Counter-Strike a lot for suspected cheating though. I was very good at headshotting people.

Well… with the wife traveling was settling down for a few hours of dungeon grinding for renown. Maybe don’t have to worry about that ever again. Whatever. Have wasted an hour of my life reading about D4 bans so far. Need to go do something else.

I’ll let you guys know in a few days if I get unbanned, and if not I’m out. On to other things.

ohoh thats not good


Think it’s the same person.

I am sure that if you truly have done nothing, then Blizz will fix it.

Ha citrix workspace. You in the military and medical as well?

I’ll let you know how it turns out.

I’m not that invested in this game. Very casual. Only played really cause my siblings and old med school friends played again.

need citrix workspace to access the hospital EMR.

I was also banned this afternoon. I got the email at 3:21pm Central time. I also have chia and teamviewer installed so we have some overlap in odd applications. I can’t think of anything else that could be remotely misunderstood or misconstrued as cheat / malicious software.

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You need to close off the client right after you start the game.

It wouldn’t be teamviewer. This Chia app may be the reason if everyone has that.

It’s probably hacking your computer LUL.

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Another dude posted a thread where he got banned I think he later came here and also mention using Chia. Three people banned with same app running, maybe that’s what’s flagging?

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Wow you’re the fourth person then.

I’ll tell you the correlation.

It’s hacking your PC like a cheat tool hacks your PC and is probably running some similar code as a cheat tool which got it flagged.

Best to get rid of it before it steals your personal info bro.

You are gonna need a full wipe and reinstall of everything including OS, plus full HD format (not a fast format). Hacks and cheat tools get so deep in your PC you can’t just delete them.

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I find it odd that youe have been banned for no reason but at the same time I dont know you or know what exact software you might’ve been running at the time.

But would not surprise me to have seen a couple players banned for no reason, its happens in numerous games.

If you truly were not cheating, best of luck getting the account back but odds are slim to none with the generic response all companies give.

I really dont even see the point

Not like its effecting me in anyway. OOOOOO the player exploited for gold to help them get the best gear and are killing these endless NMD, the only thing you can do because there is no end game, not like it matters how fast you run a NMD in the best gear. OOOOO that player is using a third party app for an overlay that tells him/her where the objectives are at or where the helltide mystery chest is at…so what? The overlay shouldve been in the game to begin with, it was in all the other diablos from the start. They just added that you can press ALT to see items names on the ground after the name vanishes, again in all other diablos.

The game is a$$ and the company is a$$. I can understand if there was some competition to the game, but there isn’t. Im so fed up with blizzard/activision in general. I could list off loads of things they failed to do or should do but thats for a different post. Again, best of luck but dont hold your breath and the next time these dummies release a game dont buy it. Because I sure as hell aint. Everything the release is garbagio

I use it to farm Chia. It generates revenue. Not getting rid of it. I will say that Malwarebytes periodically blocks some connections from the Chia app.

You do realize they won’t overturn your ban because you are using crypto mining software right?

It’s probably hacking your PC and interfering with the game. So technically still your fault.


It’s possible servers have been trash since patch.

I’m having the same problem, can anyone help me solve this madness? I was banned …I need help, what should I do…