It’s Diablo… people just want to farm. People want Angelbreath. Nobody wants to run around the whole helltide looking for Harbingers and events. That gets old.
People just want to farm. The altar will become a ghost town outside of premade groups because people will always be low on hearts, and the disdain for leechers will go way up. And the complaints from having no Angelbreath will go way up. Although the nerf to Antivenin potions will alleviate some of that.
I just hope the new ‘endgame’ chests have Angelbreath so the normal players can avoid Blood Maiden altogether.
No, they don’t just want you to stay the whole hell tide there. There is a game out there. And like the boss keys, it needs to be limited. And that’s better than nerfing the maiden’s reward. So I’m okay with that.
I have more than 100 hearts and I think it’s bad to have to spend it for the sake of spending it. The game needs to flow smoothly. Making 30 maidens in 1 hour is not fun.
I’ve actually found that doing the full helltides yr olds far more angels breath than just doing maiden. Loads fall from chest and elites not to mention the stuff you can pick.
They made it sound like it’s not going to be a giant nerf. Best thing to do would be get in the test server next week and provide some feedback.
How did the first 3 seasons work out with them forcing us to “play their way”?
If you don’t want to sit at Blood Maiden, nobody is forcing you. Some players enjoy it.
I don’t mind sitting at Blood Maiden every so often. Maybe once every day or so I’ll go do Blood Maiden for an hour.
It’s one of the few potential decent social aspects in the game where we ideally interact with others in the “open world multiplayer game”.
If they would introduce decent mechanics to stop people from being leechers, like giving “no loot unless you donate a heart”, that would be a start, instead of just nerfing the whole thing.
rewards need to be slightly better on blood maiden honestly.
I’d rather find some spire and do that.
“Chance to get one from a Tortured Gift starts at 13%, and increases each time you fail to get one. Once you are rewarded a Baneful Heart, the chance resets to 10%.”
This is a MAJOR nerf to baneful hearts
It’s the PTR so it’s not officially a nerf to anything yet. Get on the PTR and give the feedback on the PTR forum. They probably dropped the rate low to see how people react. It will go e then room to adjust without just ending up back where they started.
I have hundreds. I think youre doing it wrong
But I ended up having to do the activity to spend my hearts, as I can’t donate or sell or exchange it. I’m not obligated to do it. But it’s a good place for loot. PTR is there. If it’s bad, it can be snorted.
-I like the idea of it being nerfed. Maiden should be a cool and special activity and not an infinite spaw.
I didn’t play S1-
Every other season had an altar that you could inevitably spam to your heart’s’ content, they feel this one shouldn’t be able to be anymore because?
I’m not seeing info on what’s unique to the season either, so 3 seasons total before an xpac? If they are removing the borrowed powers every season that’s fine, I guess I just don’t understand not extending out S4 with this new stuff vs. calling it S5.
I could not have it described better.
Usually I feel good when giving something to others.
But the way it is i feel kinda abused.
So sometimes i leave the altar although i wanted to do some more maidens. I do not need a 1 by 1 ratio.
But I do not want to feed a 100% leecher.
Please do not nerf Baneful Hearts. My experience this season is the opposite of what Blizzard claimed in their stream: in levelling 2 characters well past 100 (with Mindcage 100% of the time), I regularly run out of Baneful Hearts.
This is probably because most of the time, I need to use 3 baneful hearts to summon a Blood Maiden — either no one else is around, or no one else is contributing.
Blizzard, if you really feel you need to nerf BH drop rates, then please add an option to summon with only 1 — e.g., if no one else adds another 1 in 3-5 seconds. (This would make sense anyway, since we only get a loot buff off the first one.)
How about no? The event already feels like it requires multiple players on WT4 due to just how obnoxiously high the Maiden’s HP is unless you’re blight necro or bash barb. And that’s without player scaling being factored in. Once others join the fray, if they aren’t a meta that melts her your attack appear to do nothing more than tickle her. They already designed her around groups that can melt things. It’s lacking the enjoyment factor when you don’t have others picking you up with her. Of course a lot of the game has that feel to it because the devs let the numbers get so damned insane early on that they almost have to make everything a damage sponge for it to be alive for more than two seconds when a meta build is present, which is a sign of seriously deficient balancing.
Yeah, we do. Every helltide you can easily open 10+ chests, especially the 75 cinder version and with that you get plenty of hearts. I always have a massive surplus and often I only have to spend 1 each bloodmain fight because others also contribute to the summon ritual so everyone gets more loot.
I think it’s good. The game is very easy on gathering resources as it is, nothing is valuable or scarce anymore.
open chests with the currency you get and voila, hearts
Have too many if you open all the chests but who really cares? With guaranteed GAs maiden is as useless as nmd are now.
Typical blizzard. Remove old boring content replace with new boring content. Never just add content to give you any choice you always have to do the FOTM content. This season pit.helltide. Next is PoEknockoff and pits.
No real changes to pit either you know like proper reward for difficulty nope. Pit will be same boring grind 90 sec 100s with no reason to go higher yet again. Same 80 runs to masterwork your 1 single item with the right hits.
And its actually rare for leachers to join in on these, so you get all the XP and usually 1 to 2 hearts in the process. A good hellspire can earn me 60 cinders in the 1.5 mins before it collapes.
So they don’t want people to have a lot because they PLAY a lot? That’s a mistake. What time I do get to play and find what I find seems just right.
Exactly!! I have like 250 BH, and do Maiden on every HT. I leveled three chars to 100 and never run out of BH.
Okay so they are nerfing the Hearts for Blood Maiden because they don’t want us to have fun and keep fighting Blood Maiden so we all gravitate towards the new End Game activity?