Authorizing game modifying software in Diablo IV

A mod maker used the API to check for any other mod using the API if it found a competing mod to GSHADE it kicked you out of the game and closed WOW thats why they implemented a stricter API and limited the LUA interaction with the API and lead to them along with the DOTA snafu to change the LUA agreement giving them full ownership over mods/maps for their games.

I would settle for a WoW Edit Mode that allows full positional customization and mixing/matching of console and PC UI elements. That and the ability to make the entire UI clickthrough. That last one should have been the default IMO. D3 users have been asking for it for, well, forever. To not learn that lesson and incorporate that functionality into D4 is pretty atrocious.


I think its the opposite now.

-A notice regarding unauthorized game modifying software in Diablo IV

Now, that could be nice, if they would allow us some personalization of the UI. I would like that. But not going to hold my breath.

That’s the whole point of authorizing an app to not get banned by Blizzard.


In D4 you can’t even trade most of the items and most interactions with other players is just seeing them running around. Cheating in Diablo 4 is much less an issue than it is in WoW, Diablo 1 or Diablo 2. It’s not like we have or going to have Real Money Auction House in D4.

I know it is the opposite now. That’s why I’d like to know when it is going to be authorized.

blizzard is just disgusted that a guy manages to improve their game drastically when they can’t add bags xD
or search in the bags
or aspect sort
or map filter
etc etc etc…

and in addition they manage to make money with it! no no no blizzard doesn’t like that.

the fact that it benefits some players is not the real problem.

You should know the answer already, it won’t be.

Well I like to pretend that I don’t know the answer just to show Blizzard that there is need for such thing and they are the ones who is responsible to do that. If they would care more about community and making the game better then the post of @PezRadar would look different. Maybe it’s a bit silly thinking but who cares.

Adam “aka Lots of talk no action” Fletcher should make sure we don’t have to use such UI mods and fix their game first perhaps?

Can you use DS4Windows to connect PS5 controller wirelessly ? It is the only way to use PS5 controller wirelessly

Ahh so just don’t expect anything decent, got it.

The people using these aren’t cheating they are literally trying to make a dumpster fire slightly more enjoyable or playable.

Blizzard is just mad they couldn’t program in auto toggle correctly.

We all hope for QOL improvments,but why does it always have to take people from outside Blizzard to get things like this done? WOW has had numerous add ons over the years that make the experience better. They only recently made a customizable UI as pretty much everyone was using an add on to change the layout to something that made better sense. If you plan on raiding ,add ons are a must due to the numerous mechanics the game has

Right now D4 could really use either a map overlay, or a way to zoom out the minimap and enlarge it. This should be standard in any open world game. There should also be better customization options for the UI other than middle of screen or far left of screen. A DPS meter would be nice too so that I know how hard Im hitting a long with a LFG option so that its easier for players to form parties. Having to whisper or randomly send invites to strangers is SO early 2000s.

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