This is completely ruing the game for me.
I will test again later but it seems to start as soon as we get in Gea Kol. Audio distortion AND VIDEO freezing.
It happens almost everywhere on PS4, during mob combat. Just happened in Hawezar, doing a Realmwalker. Absolute nonsense!
The devs just sitting there looking at the sounds issue on the PS4 saying to them selves, “these peasants don’t even deserve a response” lol. We’re 100% the ginger step child they never wanted.
Same issue on Xbox One
I’ll reply to my own message… we ALL better get some top tier gear for this mess that blizzard created.
I don’t understand how they:
- Don’t know it’s an issue (they probably do)
- Why they haven’t acknowledged it to the community and broadcasted it
- The Diablo 4 team isn’t small by any means so how did this happen.
Just even acknowledging our pleas and letting us know that they know it’s a problem would PROBABLY help contain the wildfire of frustration that players are experiencing. I understand that the licensing issue is a big thing but they can still let us know that they’re actively seeking a solution to the problem (the audio tearing).
I’ve been playing Diablo for 20 years and I have never felt more frustrated with the game than I do now. Seriously, I would expect this more from an Indie studio that’s just starting out. Not a studio that has producing games for as long as Blizzard has.
No seu dá uma laggada também?
Please fix this absolutely unbearably awful audio bug on PS4!
PS4 player here too. Sure would love a patch to fix this problem before the weekend, but since they haven’t even acknowledged the problem exists yet, I am not willing to bet on it being fixed any time soon. Maybe we will get to enjoy S6 and the expansion soon.
I posted on the Twitland Page
This is becoming a serious joke on PS4 Users
Audio is HORRIBLY distorted.
Can’t get into the Underworld Quest haunted house
My pet is not there all the time. It just randomly disappears. Which is a serious pain in HellTides.
Stone Guardians don’t do diddly.
I guess the PS4 version of the game really wasn’t ready for Prime Time and is, as usual, being treated like the Problem Step-Child
I reported on the Twitland Page… hopefully it’ll be less than years before anything is done.
blizzard is just thinking about the money, they even recognize the problem
Same. 24 years playing the game, all the way back to Diablo I. I’m so frustrated and disappointed with this. Considering a refund on the expansion as it’s basically unplayable in it’s current state.
ps4 user. same problem here.
I am on PS4 as well and thought it was my console so I tried another one and same issue. Hopefully they fix this soon as it’s totally ruining the experience.
Same here. PS4. I can either play the game and be tortured by terrible audio or not play at all.
a third hotfix has been released, and they said nothing about the sound problem. they are joking with us.
Quality “Blizzard”…it’s because we playing on past-gen console’s… patience, young Palawan’s…soon will be our time…in 2025)))))
Anyone know if the issues are resolved or looking better at all?