At what level do you get paragon point?

Anyone know? Lmk ty much and can you get unlimited points after 100?

level 50 for your first point.

There are a total of 200 Paragon Points from leveling at this time. However, there are currently 22 additional points you can get from renown. So, you could save points from renown and spend all of those points on Paragon nodes. Also, you could spend those points and respec before level 50. At this point, there is no confirmed price for this but it could be in the millions.

There’s about 63 skill points possible and 220 paragon points possible I believe.


Isn’t it 58 points for skills? I think that is what all the build websites are showing. 50 for levels and 8 for renown?

Lothrik was showing 10 skill points from renown I thought, and 20 paragon points from renown.

Yes, 10 skillpoints and 20 paragon points from renown, first paragon will come when you are level 50 and 25% into the xp bar I believe.


I could be wrong, it’s late and I should already be in bed.

OK found this. 10 skill points from renown and 48 from leveling for a total of 58.

You get one Skill Point every time you level up in Diablo 4 until level 50. You start with 0 Skill Points at level 1 and reaching level 50 should result in a total of 48 Skill Points. This is because reaching level 49 will hand out the final Skill Point and level 50 will reward you with your first Paragon Point.

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According to WoWHead, each zone has its own renown counter. So, among other things, you get 2 skill points and 4 Paragon points per zone. Since there are 5 zones, that means 20 Paragon Points (total 220) and 10 skills points (total 58).

However, from personal experience, the 4 Paragon points are unavailable until at least WT3. So, I am not sure how that will be handled at launch but it will be 6 or more months before I am able to worry about Paragon Nodes.

I will have 6 or more characters shortly after launch and that means 100 or so hours before I am close to each being close to 50. Since I may not be able to do even 1 hour a day, work on every character at the same pace, etc. I am figuring to take double the time.