Aspect of the damned for shadow minions


Do shadow minions scale their damage with the Aspect of the damned (50%X shadow damage to cursed ennemies)?

Thank you :slight_smile:

so i just did some kinda half baked testing and it doesn’t work.

There is absolutely no reason why it should’nt work though!!!

Can someone else test this to see if your findings are the same as mine.

how I tested (not optimal at all!!!)

  • Removed shadowblight as it adds to much RNG
  • removed all skeletons/golem and just had a single shadow mage
  • stood on top of it to insure all testing had the effects of hellbent commander (either stand on top of it, or take skill points out of it has the same results)
  • made sure there were no corpses on the floor between tests to insure both had the same results (scent of death)
  • Then equipped aspect of the damned and while cursing every few seconds.
  • I watched for the highest crit over about 5-6mins.
  • I then removed aspect of the damned and kept cursing every few seconds.
  • I watched for the highest crit over about 5-6 mins.

Both results came back with my highest crit being approximately the same with and without the aspect.

My testings were similar. No huge effect that I would be able to observe with a 50% X damage increase.

Do you think its intended or a bug?

Thanks for sharing!

ok its 100% now that it doesnt work!

I just swapped in inner calm and I am now doing more damage with that then with aspect of the damned. so a 30%x does more damage then a 50%x.

clearly aspect of the damned does not effect shadow minions.

I would assume a bug… I mean it says “you deal more shadow damage” and your buffs get transferred to your minions… But honestly I cannot be 100% with anything in this game.

I am fuming about this! I have been using it for ages because I assumed it worked. Thank you for questioning this as it made me test it!!

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oh and I was very much wondering since S5 is going to nuke blighted aspects, I was looking at other multiplicative shadow damage sources!

Yes Inner calm does work very well!

I think I might need to retest. I know I tested it last week and it seemed to provide bumps to damage for mages. But maybe I messed something up.

it 100% doesnt work
I conducted the exact same test with the exact same gear and settings.

  • with 3.1mil highest crit
  • without 3.1mil highest crit
  • with inner calm full stack (30%x) 4mil highest crit
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Dont work, i tryed it and is useless to mages…

Only work with your damage.

It was documented here:

I redit my test just now and figured out what I missed. I forgot to get rid of the amplify damage boost. Removed that and 100% noticed that my damage was not changing.

Would you believe its a bug or intended? Normally, everything we receive, they get. For example, the shadow damage increase does work for shadow minions from the paragon and glyph!

To me is a bug, since there are other similar aspects that work with minion.

This is a very common problem when it comes about inheriting stats between necro and minions. What usually works for you, not “necessarily” transfer to minions, so the best strategy here is to use wooden dummy to test it. In this case the aspect of the damned says “you” not “you and your minions” to achieve the desired effect.

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blighted aspect says “you gain xyz” not “you and your minions” but your minions still get that. This definition is not really useful post 1.4 patch when minions started inheriting 100% of our stats.

Yes, but look at posts people sent out… Works for global blighted damage, but not in the case of damned aspect in this case. Either a bug or wrong class encapsulation.

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I agree with Ralph on this one. The minions inherit all our damage multiplier and so on normally.

If there is some sketchy weird thing going on with Aspect of the damned, we should speak up and mention it!

If you get some shadow damage from the glyphs and the paragon board, it’s fully working and buffing the shadow minions.

Wild tinfoil hat guess… it’s probably due to the way the aspect operates. You deal increased shadow damage to targets afflicted by any curse. Perhaps it checks if enemies hit by shadow damage from the Necro are cursed and, if so, boosts the shadow damage received by them.

Phrased differently, Aspect of the Damned likely applies it’s bonus to damage after it goes out, to the damage input on mobs. Whereas some modifiers apply their bonus to the damage before it goes out, to the damage output by the character. Since the damage is modified after it applies it’s “invisible” to minions. It’s a subtle distinction.

Such behavior is similar to the way Decrepify operates. Decrepify does not reduce damage received by the character on the input side. It reduces damage from mobs on the output side.

In either case it’s inconsistent with behavior elsewhere, so potentially in bug territory. I’d guess it could be fixed and made to transfer by doing a similar check for minions dealing shadow damage. This is all speculation, obviously…

Personal opinion, Blizzard really needs to do a pass across the board on these type of interactions. To ensure consistent behavior for all of them. Maybe do a pass on paragon/glyphs related to minions while they’re at it… That’s a whole other topic, I suppose.

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i think it works like the crit damage portion of grasping veins aspect, perhaps?

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