Aspect of Calm Breeze exists?!

Doing a Wind Shear build leveled to mid-80s and I’m still using the level 1 Aspect I got from the dungeon (ie. I have not had a single Aspect of Calm Breeze drop at all).

I’ve gambled rings for it like crazy and taken every amulet/ring whisper cache I can but gettin nada…

Anyone else not seein it drop? Or does RNGesus just hate me?

Resource aspects are the hardest to get. Previous season I wanted to try out aspect of adaptability. I only managed to get mediocre ones.
So I understand the frustration :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ha same thing for me with Adaptability last season - only saw 2 max rolls of it in 100+ hrs playtime.

And update: got a lvl 11 Calm Breeze today after 3 hrs farming Helltide Boss. Maybe crying on forum helped RNG? Lol!


Have the same problem. I am lvl 100 and leveled strictly through helltides and i open all the chest in each cycle. I’m also around pit lvl 80 with all gear at 8/12. Gambled amulets / rings all the way through. Imagine the amount of legendaries i got. Never seen it once.

Oof! I totally feel your pain. I’d say you are defo overdue for a drop.

Good Luck!

Same issue here. I’m 88 and still using the rank 1 from the dungeon because the damn thing just wont drop or gamble.

I get that maxroll is and should be rare, but the damn thing not dropping at all is kinda sus. at this point I don’t care what rank it is as long as it’s not 1

its hilarous that its even resource aspect, and it was made that way only because they know druids have too little offensive aspect slots.

go helltides, open every jewelery chest there is. You’ll find it.

Btw this aspect is bugged as hell. It clears everything and it really shouldnt. It is super for leveling but bugged nonetheless

what is bugged about it ? It was designed to be on par with bash barb in the means of damage. I didn’t find any bugs myself, but it doesnt mean i like the design and idea.

Neither were designed to be how they are, devs aren’t that good. The meta builds every season are based on a bugged interaction they didn’t anticipate.