Ashava Trophy not showing up

I participated in theDiablo IV Server Slam event in May, leveled to level 20 and killed the World Boss , however, I did not get the advertised reward Ashava trophy.
I saw the defeating Ashava challenge completed and jumped up and I can see my challenge completed in Server Slam but not now.

When I was trying to file a ticket , I got the most unacceptable answer saying “Regardless of the cause, Customer Service is unable to grant the rewards, transfer them to a different, or assist with incorrect console account links because it was a beta reward.”

I am not asking you to grant the rewards, I am reporting a bug and trying to find someone to fix it . If customer service cannot do anything about this issue, please find someone for us to fix the issue!
Please check the link below for more information, there are many players having the same issue. Please find someone to help us, the Trophy means a lot for someone who played Diablo for decades. Thank you.

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