Arrow Storm Rogue Build is fun but

Trying it out again since there is new aspects for arrow storm. So just like dust devils it was weak at first and then got some love, well can we get some love please?
1.Add Tempers for ARROW STORM in the marksman manuals or create a whole new manual .example :(arrow storm duration,damage,area, etc). Some manuals have 5 and its too much please only have 4 different things to choose from in each manual.
2. Add a new Glpyh for the arrow storms like you did with dust devils and dancing bolts etc. Arrow Storms also need more on the field i think the cap is 5 storms? thats weakkkkkk please make it 8-10 or just no cap cuz that would solve the boss problem.
3. Maybe a new unique in the future that makes the arrow storms imbueable, or an aspect for each element you want imbued. or have it randomize or switch or something that would be sooooo cool.
4. Terrible damage on bosses so maybe have it read in the aspects or glpyh that arrow storms do 10-20x damage to BOSSES. I feel like this build has potential paired with the new shroud of honduras unique! im crushing almost to pit 100 flying through the mobs but terrible in boss fights. But yeah thanks for reading :slight_smile: Having a blast with the arrow storms would love to see it get some love !!!

Season 5 is going to give you exactly all that you’re asking for. Rain of Arrows is going to share buffs from artow storm. They increase the number you’re allowed to have out to 7.

Word of Hakan
Previous – Your Rain of Arrows
Rain of Arrows
is always Imbued with all Imbuements at once.
Now – Your Rain of Arrows is always Imbued with all Imbuements at once and receives your Arrow Storm benefits

Plenty of goodies coming up and buffs to all of the Arrow Storm aspects.

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does that also include that arrow storm can be Imbued?

Doesn’t look like it, but the new aspect does cause it to make enemies vulnerable. I gues Rain of Arrows would also share that too. The problem with arrow storms is that it’s not a casted skill and Imbuements only work on those.

I have said this in the past, but they should add effect like this to every Arrow Storm aspect:

*Your damage is increased by 1%-3%x per active Arrow Storm.

That single handedly will bring up Arrow storms to at least B-Tier.

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They need a glyph similar to every other effect. Dust devils, lightning bolts, earthquakes, etc. heck just copy the earthquake one to get a 30%x damage increase while Storms are up.

Copy Stalagmite? It increases damage specifically for an aspect effect, Ice Spike, and gives it 20% crit chance with its activated secondary. Hell, just make the Arrow Storm glyph say “Arrow Storm now spreads Imbuements to enemies it hits” as the secondary.