Arrow Storm Meta + No Clone Love?

Just finished reading the PTR notes, wow they are massively buffing Rogue across the board for the most part.

Especially loving the Arrow Storm buffs! But is anyone else disappointed that there was absolutely nothing to address how weak the Shadow Clone is?

All it got was apparently some bug fix where Rapid Fire did no damage.

Also not sure how I feel about the Wind force changes.

Ultimates overall is primarily going to be Death Trap.

Arrow Rain got some love, but its not enough. Hopefully PTR will change this and they will get some love.

If they can’t fix Shadow Clone or if it is intended for it to be jank. I would change Grasp of Shadow’s ability to increasing your overall Damage by 60% while Shadow Clone is active.

You are correct, it won’t be enough. I tried desperately hard to make a build with it. I’m talking throwing out a rain of arrows with 5+ waves every 20 seconds with a shako and hakon and it’s damage was negligible. It’s tiny chance of lucky hit is going to need a much bigger buff to get it to be useful, much less viable.

There could be a new unique for it, or legendary power. Don’t forget all the Arrow Storm powers are also being bumped up from 45 to 60%X damage on the PTR.

We haven’t seen all the Paragon changes either, the PTR is only showing some off the stuff that’s coming in S5.

Flat damage aspects should scale with all of your stats, and they should be tuned appropriately.

Lots of weird design choices in these patch notes imo.

Unstable elixirs? Dash granting crit chance whenever you use it? Penshot shooting twice from the skill tree alone? Flurry omega buffs? Poison imbuement granting energy on cast? Aftermath now granting passive healing? No nerfs to key passives?

I mean sure some buffs go in the right direction from a practical standpoint but… weird design choices.

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Agreed, not to mention the random hits to Sorc and apparently they are just gutting Thorns which makes me want to cry.

There’s only 3 plausible explanations;

  • There are some really insane items and/or item buffs coming that aren’t in the PTR notes

  • This is in preparation for massive changes coming with VoH

  • The devs just straight up goofed.