Armory Issues on Shared Items - Possible Unintended Interactions with stash

Context: Imagine a situation where you are sharing an item between alts, let’s say a 4GA mythic just for illustration purposes.

This specific helm is saved as part of the armory then moved to another character for use. When the build gets saved the helm gets reloaded to character. All working as intended.

However, what happens to the other character may want to get looked at more closely. Here it grabs another mythic of the same name from the stash. Is this intended? Not intended? There are obviously multiple ways to handle this issue but may want to consider carefully what happens in this situation. As a stash can get quickly unorganized across runes/gems/withpowers as mythics get moved around.

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During the campfire chat, they said “items get pulled from wherever they are.”
To hold true to this idea, items should be pulled from the character that has it equipped or in its’ inventory. The best experience would be if items were pulled upon changing loadouts, as well as on login.