Are we still forced into NMD?

I rather do a dungeon i like fast and get some loot, is NMD only way to upgrade gear xp?

The most efficient way, you could always wait for helltides, or to an even worse/lesser extent do tree of whispers.

He means yes, you still need to do nm dungeons.

Well if you want to level your glyphs, yes.

You never were. It is, and always was a choice.


The choice is somewhat removed past lvl 75. Since open world mobs stop scaling with you, unless you dont care about hitting 100 anytime soon.

If you want exp past lvl 75 Helltides and NMD are pretty much your only options.

I decided to farm up some shards to get the pvp chest piece and just slaughtering mobs in the zone was fairly decent xp. Just turn off pvp mode and farm away. At lvl 80 I got like, 20% of my lvl in about 15 mins. I will say, it was kind of fun when turning them in just trying to survive the lvl 100 that would try to kill me. Got a bit of adrenaline pumping evading him for the 45 seconds.

Incorrect. There was/is always a choice.

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update on my question if thats okidoki.
I wanna loot an item, that head thingy for druids.
when i enter a dungeon, the mobs are lvl 75, im 81.
Can i still get decent loot? or do i have to go higher lvl on mobs?

Yes. But your chances are better in NMD’s because the end reward is a guaranteed legendary with a chance for a unique.

If your choice is killing lvl 75 mobs at lvl 80 for little exp since everything is -5 levels?

I guess that is a ‘choice’ you can make.

You will still get loot. But higher NMDs drops more Ancestrals, so theoretically better loot.

Also uber uniques only drop from lvl 85+ mobs so if you want a chance at that, it cant be open world. (I know, i know, you’ll never drop one anyways)