Are we getting blood knight in Diablo IV?

You can play barbarian, give him a tuff Armor, and a Lance, and let him use his bleed skills.

Ready is you blood knight.

Shirt logo looks like holy-ish to me rather thank ā€œdkā€ or blood knight

Its the triune symbol which is the symbol for Lilithā€™s cult. This was why there was the unholy paladin rumors going around for a while.

This is just wrong. Death Knights came to WoW and took a whole part of Warlocksā€™ identity away. They even had some spells that were previously Warlock spells (death coil)

Nope. Other way around. Death Coil was a Death Knight spell in Warcraft that they gave to warlocks.

Iā€™m talking strictly about WoW, Warlocks had it first.

The ability Death Coil was first used by Death Knight units in Warcraft 3. So of course they wanted to give it to a Death Knight class as well even though they has also given it to warlocks.

They renamed the warlock version to Mortal Coil.

That was silly of them. No harm in two classes having an ability with the same name. Oh how Death Coil saved me back in the early days of WoW when I was climbing the honor system with my human warlock. Some of my funnest days ever PvPing in a game.

Instead of being a damn b***h then lets your brilliant idea on a new class then? Lemme guess, tinker?

Yah exactly, my guess is the surprise us that the new class is available immediately for something like the cost of an expansion (49.99usd is my guess) and perhaps a bundle that includes a cosmetic and the next season battle pass for 59.99 usd last picture, where the cup is open and you can look the 6 symbols

Yeh, thatā€™s the symbol thatā€™s on the shirt. Iā€™m wondering about why you said it has the blood knight symbol. They donā€™t match at all. I posted both pictures, so I donā€™t see what you are matching.

Yes, definitely not the same thing, not even close.

Still doesnt make it a blood knight, its the triune symbol.

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Iā€™d really like a monk style class eventually in IV!

I think the Blood Knight would be a much better addition to the game than the crusader and paladin. It would definitely provide a more updated approach instead of re-running old classes/types while holding that holy paladin type until a later date. OR, you could even have it available in the talent tree!

I think the players would be more thrilled with an entirely new build out than some classic re-run.

I would be incredibly excited to play a blood knight or some form of a death knight!! (more so than a paladin or monk)

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It would be a breath of fresh air over a paladin/crusader.

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I agree, I feel like it would be a much more invigorating class to start with in comparison to paladin.

I believe it would definitely help with player retention, as well.

The paladins are basically wiped out, the crusaders are pretty much all dead and gone. There are remnants but those ā€œtrueā€ to what the classes were are just warriors now. They have no access to the light, no access to heavens grace as heaven is closed to us now.

In all honesty the blood-knights that you can play as in D4 could be what the paladins/crusaders became when heaven abandoned them, this would fit in well with the cathedral of light and their Inarius worship as he was their source of holy power.

Then in an expansion if we ever get to see or hear from heaven again, perhaps paladins in some form could return. But as of now it seems very unlikely as without the light theyā€™re literally just a guy with a weapon + shield and some martial training. Which really does not lend to the fantasy everyone wants from the class.

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