AoZ Hotfix Update Before the Weekend

Well soluss, I played D3, and lived through all of its evolvement, some I don’t agree with.

I’m personally pretty sure this content if you can call it even new content - retooled NM’s with grift features? LOL. will end up casual acessible in a couple seasons if not. it’s because it was removed and temporary, or redone and reinstituted in another season a differnet way.

Remember this is just this season and not a permanent addition. It’s not even available in eternal.

I am super casual on eternal, I don’t have access to it, I’m pretty far removed and don’t have ANY problems with it.

if this comes back in the same form, by expac, this AOZ will just be another part of the game without any issues for casuals.

To be fair, feels like a bad PTR.

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come on, casual bob should be able to get glyph and complete first couple levels of aoz now. no reason for so many whiners on forum now

Are you addressing the nerf to the dmg%?

Dude, I’m casual bob and I’m on eternal - that casual, and I don’t see a problem with it. Casual bobs on seasonal probably aren’t even doing NM100’s and if they were, then they should be trying AOZ and fixing their gear / paragon boards for it by now.

The gear load is getting more and more defined from the streamers and affiliated sites, maxroll, mobalytics, d4builds, icyveins…

im excited about the buffed glyph xp. if they are reducing the difficulty by so much think i will start spamming t9’s starting tomorrow

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Adding to eternal confirmed?

BIG W across the board, nice changes. It will still be challenging, just a bit better tuned now. They probably should have removed fire enchanted from the bloodseekers too though. Getting x3 of those is pretty much a rip lol.

no this isnt being added to eternal

I hope difficulty doesn’t change.

I have only tried it once, and failed, on a bonespear Necro that I only hit 100 on a few days ago. Highest nmd I had done was 60ish, until I did a 94 to get the season objective to unlock sigils (which was much easier than I expected).

I flew through the mobs up to the bosses. Nearly killed one and then exploded when someone teleported onto me. I was using some gear that was still yellow - no aspect, and have max glyphs at 15 with some under 15.

Point is, if I can nearly do it on a non Hota or bl build with no prep and the minimum time investment to even be able to craft the sigil, I think the diff is ok

Oh please enlighten me what am I missing? You have NMD’s, helltides which cease to become useful and whispers. What’s left? If folks don’t want to run or are finished with Duriel there is no need to collect the mats so the only thing left is NMD’s Sorry but that is not a lot of endgame


Dude, D3 has what? Grifts(Nm’s)? Bounties(whispers)?

Nms, legions, world boss, helltides, duriel loop, and now AOZ.
Leaderboards next season.

night and day?

Like I said they need to balance the events better so they are more relevant, but none-the-less more than D3.

End game is always about loops, right? It’s not really about amount of content, it’s repeatable content.

I am hoping they strip Drivel of his boss card and move his entire loot table to Zir. Uber uniques are a fitting reward for Zir. I don’t know why difficulty vs reward is such nonsense in this game. Other games have gotten the great rewards for great risk right for decades already.

I also hope they stop with the dust based nonsense. Let me click on the zir portal and pick the level to do it at.

I hope they strip the one shot from off screen stuff. I mean, did they not recently have to go in and recode exactly that because it is deemed nonsense by everyone and they reluctantly agreed? Why bring back the one shot mechanics? “This time is different, this time it will totally be fun, unlike last time, because we have perfected it by increasing the number of one shot sources so players expect it more!”

I hope they strip everything that makes me regret leveling more than one character. Like the stupid time to level this glyph. Or the dumb nature of it sucking up half of all your paragon.

Most of all I just want the game to come out of beta and release already. I don’t want to beta test for you, and pay retail price to do so. Make it free to beta test and I still won’t. I leave that to others. I am not strapped for cash, I prefer to go pay for something else that is a finished product.

In D3 the the content was the seasonal stuff and you completely ignored my post. Legions and helltide are useful only for the Duriel loop. Many people are done with that or don’t need the frustration of nothing valuable dropping. WB is once every 3 1/2 hours. Those other things also drop nothing of value and how can you list AOZ when it’s in the state it’s in? It is not endgame for the majority of the playerbase pending what changes they make.

I didn’t ignore it, I said it needed to be balanced better, I generally agree that there is marginalization of some of that content.

It has the same risk of being a hellfire amulet, which at one time was part of the end game loop for D3 right?

So it’s a moving target, but D4 just started relative to D3.

There is more, it’s a matter if it’s done in a way where the repeatedness isn’t so…boring?

Yes I agree and if the activities dropped better loot it would improve things a lot. Constantly getting sacred items @ level 100 is hardly useful but yeah hellfire amulet became almost as bad as the hellfire ring over time lol

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yeah, they messed up itemization and loot find, short circuited stuff with guaranteed 925 gear, pretty bad moves. Then didn’t really sync it to progression - making NM’s marginalized also.

World boss, needs to be redone totally.

Legions could be much better also.

I think AOZ though, has potential to stay where it is and people will get to it eventually if they put it in eternal anyway (that’s where I am at) I’m hoping for that.

To that end, they did make entry to first 10 tiers of AOZ easier, so that probably will be casual accessible if already doing nm100s.

why are you guys making content easier? literally smacking the veterans in the face here. 20% less damage?

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Soon the carebears will start complaining that tier 11 is too hard and they cant level their glyph pass XX level and it is taking them too long and start to cry and complaint in the forums again.

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