The team got together to discuss some of the Abattoir of Zir feedback you all have been sending over.
We have some changes in the works. Will share more tomorrow. Goal is for a hotfix with these updates before the weekend. Thanks all for providing some great feedback!
I think this will make AoZ less difficult, easier, more tolerable (or however you wanna call it).
Yep, this was fairly predictable.
This does sadden me a lot. Im surprised they caved so fast. Lets hope the only announcement is they are upping glyph xp or reducing glyph xp required to level the glyph.
Its to stop the exploit at the end of the fight where you can restart the fight without the sigil.
That seems like a pretty big oversight lol didnt know that was a thing
cuz their business intelligence division reported that only 1% of the player base is still nerding AoZ while the uninstalling rate increased 10 folds…
Please do not nerf the content and make it easier so the majority noobs and carebears can have a chance to play it.
LOL, way to kill a game…
aren’t we glad you aren’t the CEO of blizz…
Hopefully its to fix a few exploits and not to make it easier.
Go play The Sims or something, you belong there.
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I bet u was right. Still think it’s nothing but AoZ that will be running, nmd gets obsoleted if AoZ is easier. Which isn’t the worst ever since AoZ is nmd, more or less.
LOL nice comeback…
I am waiting… keep it coming
imagine them looking at the data and realizing that only 10% of the active players tried it more than once and that now the number of those who are still running it has dropped to 1-3%
what a great way to waste time and resources
I know I’m happy u aren’t.
They had to do something. Content is unplayable for a majority of playerbase builds. That was never going to fly.
They can tone this down and base on tier A and that would help.
One shots from corpse bows u cant see was amplified in AoZ. I have hit rooms with 3-5 of them. Basically no chance there.
Bosses need to be nerfed as well. Teleporting across 2 screens and gibbing u is not cool.
(Bosses have TeleHOTA??
) Suppression is a major issue hope that is fixed
Xp needed to get to 50 let alone 200 is mind numbing.
.0002 dmg per level as well? come on.
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Have a short list of asks (none of which are ‘make it easier’), so hoping to see what they deliver. Glad they are working to try to keep us engaged through to the next season.
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It’s a lot. Do the math proper and u will see it is.
It should be unplayable for anyone / any build who / that can not finish nm100 in under 10 minutes to be fair without dying.
That in itself limits things.
Its perfectly ok only the best builds and players can push this high but it is not ok if most cant even do tier 1.
I would love to hear numbers on % players failing at tier 1. I bet its an absurd number like 80-95%. Tier 1 needs to be entry level and reduce xp gain.
This was never going to fly if a majority of players are trying with dif builds and getting crushed. This isnt POE or a rogue-like.