AoZ group play - 1 death shouldn't ruin it for the rest of us

I feel his pain. It def needs a redesign. I like this idea here. Has some merit.

I like this idea. Group play would be such a good addition to AOZ.

I won’t group in AoZ for this reason. Someone gets stupid and dies and you lose the dungeon.

Its good that dealth has meaning and consequences.

Sounds like they didnt want to play with you. No big deal.


On a serious note, if they allow revives in group play, they should allow in solo as well. I like the idea of no revives though

Its good that dealth has meaning and consequences.

Do you actually read what you write? Did you think that through? What kind of nonsense is that? If one dies all get kicked out of the AoZ. What “meaning” or "consequence is that? This is by far the most nonsensical comment I have read here in a while. Like 4 people in a car crash - one dies - so the other three get auto ejected from the car? WTF?
Also if you want for death to have meaning/consequence: Last time I checked death is final, ergo play hardcore. Non-hardcore trying to give death meaning/consequence…unbelievable nonsense.

He who smealthed it dealthed it!


so one guy rage quits cause he died so it should be removed? maybe the guy should just suck it up and try again? No offense intended but one guy rage quitting does not mean the mechanic of the dungeon should be removed.

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especially because honestly. what did the group lose? a handful of sigil dust and maybe 6 minutes time.
Really no biggie.


comparing a video game dungeon to a car crash. thats pretty impressive and also completely irrelevant. but it is perfectly ok for there to be zero revives and if someone dies the dungeon is over. choose your companions wisely?


Its like having Hardcore for non-HC players. AoZ doesnt make sense. Just boot the teamate out until the dungeon is finished - then everyone can come back in to collect the rewards…

Bro you need to work on your comparisons a bit. This is way out there and not cool.

Blizzard we want difficult end game content, but not really.

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In group play the person who dies should essentially be pushed outside of the instance and lose their glyph upgrade and not receive any loot (not that the loot really matters most of the time). This makes it have the same consequences as in solo play.

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Lazyloaf NEVER has anything constructive to say. Just a complete troll. I’ve got 5 people on full ignore. 6 now.

So you disagree that dealth shouldn’t have a penalty and thats fine we disagree.

Just because someone doesnt agree wil you doesnt make them a troll.

AoZ is designed to be hard/challenging content having endless lives or no consequences defeats that purpose. Before you say anything about hardcore even D2 had xp loss on dealth. D3 also had insane respect costs in the beginning before it became an arcade game.

Softcore can have consequences too. Everything doesnt need to be like D3.



/20 characters…

Does playing in a group require 1 sigil or 4?

If 1 the current system is fine and is a good thing.

If 4 sigils then yeah that’s too harsh, and the dying player should be removed.

Starting to agree as Lazyload is upvoting stuff in my threads that is complete joke of a post like this:

This post is just what goes and does not go to eternal and Lazyloaf lazily upvoted this. The poster dint even read post or He would not have said play a game you like maybe and he posted it directly after mine.

Its 1 sigal. Even if someone hasnt completed the season journy they can still do AoZ if someone else crafts said sigil.

They also greatly reduced the requirements to craft AoZ sigils

Also you gain more sigil powder than spending by successfully completing it so its self sustainable.

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well that thread wasnt really of much use, was it? i mean, whats it about, you listing what “you think” should move over to eternal, there you list everything that does indeed over to eternal.

iuno, it feels like you just looked for a reason to link the thread.