Anyone else running the Rare paragon glyph ‘Human’ and it's not providing the stats?

In the first paragon board for druid, I have the ‘Human’ glyph in the socket, and the requirements met for the additional bonus of 10% damage reduction while human. My stats show that the ‘bonus damage while human’ is working, but the ‘damage reduction’ is not. I have uploaded screenshots here:


Is this occuring for others too or just me?

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Havent tested the the damage reduction but the damage increase doesnt seems to be working for me at least it doesnt not increase my attack in the ui nor tornado dmg in the tooltip.

this glyph is buged and doesn’t work at all.

Like the wild impulse talent passive that is buged and pointless sinc i t doesn’t increase core damage but still increase spirit cost.

Blizzard forget to debug the druid apparently


Wait really? I’ve been paying 9% more this whole time for nothing? Damnit now I want to test this

Wild impulse does not increase the dmg of tornado at least not in the tooltip just tested it.

It doesn’t seem to be working for me too, any increases “while in human form” don’t seem to affect the tooltip to any extent, not sure if it applies anyway, just checks the form every time any spell is cast, or is 100% bugged

I Was planning to but Haven’t found it yet. Was going to use it with this build: The Complete Lightning Storm Guide

Wait, really? Well, that’s 4 points I can use elsewhere. I was using it for Trampleslide for an easy 15% boost without worrying about extra cost.

both ‘Human’ and ‘Werewolf’ are not working for me either. I do get results using ‘Resolve’ though. guess it is a bug? not sure how long for a fix, pretty sad for my build :frowning:

Admin, has this been fixed yet?

I have already leveled the glyph to 13 and have 45 of 40 required Willpower in radius, which should give me 40.4% Damage. But it does not.

As of Patch 1.0.3 Build #42753 this glyph sadly seems to be non-functional. No change on tooltip DPS when equipped and no change of damage reduction on the character sheet.

I think all the similar glyphs, werewolf and werebear, are also still non-functional. I think i’ve seen rumors of the poison glyph being broken too but haven’t had a chance to test it. The damage bonus falls into the additive bucket so they will never provide that much damage but the DR could be nice to have.

Hm great, i am also using this Human glyph and i also saw, that there is no effect. Druid seems to be more broken than i thought.

I got this glyph to 17 and when I check under character profile, it shows one of my paragons 30% increase to core damage but not the 73% increase in damage from human. My damage output is good, but far from the 73% it says (I only use human form on Druid) also legendary node that says (after spending 70 spirit you do 30x more damage for 5 seconds, well I definitely can’t tell… bout to unplug this legendary mode just to be able to reach the +30 critical strike damage rare node; the magic nodes around it are +7.5 crit dmg and 7.5 cc dmg oh i also meet requirements for the additional +15 crit damage. This sounds way more appealing than a legendary node that is broken. After spending 70 spirit; even right in an order I see no increase in dmg: please fix. Also please fix human glyph because i am not seeing this additional 70% dmg except in basic attacks, just hit lvl 74 and this is disheartening indeed.

When I equip my level 1 human glyph it shows on my stat page ( Damage while human 10.6%) strange it doesn’t show for you. The glyph falls into the additive bucket with all of the other + dmg stats. I have around 550% + dmg that falls in that bucket so +70% is only around 8% damage increase overall. Not useless but hardly noticeable. Spending 70 spirit legendary node definitely works for me as well. It is almost always up and accounts for a big chunk of my damage. Raising my max hit by around 250-300k. Replacing a legendary node that counts as an individual multiplier will always cause you to perform worse.