Any tips for killing pit bosses? Tier 61

My WW ds dust devil barb is pushing 80. A few things that helped me get there:

  • just focus on getting your gear to 8/12 or close to it before starting pit 60+ it’ll make it so much easier.
  • Stack lots of health from gear and paragon points. Right now I have 60k unbuffed. With the 15% health pot you can get from the quest in gear kul I have 72k
  • You can get nice damage reduction from undaunted, ire, and territorial glyphs. All 3 will get you 30% DR and that’s not counting other DR from the board.
  • On helm, chest and pants you can have + ranks on defense passive skills. For my helm and chest I got an extra 7 ranks of martial vigor which totals 40% DR against elites.

All of these things combined make me super tanky to the point I can take a hit from the Lilith abilities and just about survive. It does sacrifice a lot of DPS though which is what I’m working on balancing out.