Any tips for killing pit bosses? Tier 61

I have no real issues with clearing mobs but the boss always kills me. Running a whirlwind dust devil barb.

Make frens with minion necros.

:white_check_mark: :skull_and_crossbones: :saluting_face:

I have same issue as Frozen orb sorc. Clear dungeon in 2.7 seconds then facepalm for 10 min.


respec to bash build, blizzard devs don’t give a crap about whirlwind apparently.


that being said, i have no clue about barbarians - however for the pit you will for sure want to find a solid balance between AE dmg and single target damage. Furthermore masterworking makes a great difference. youll reach a wall every now and then, but a few masterworkings later, you can push 10 levels higher.

on the barbarian ladder are 2 dust devil barbs with links to their videos. maybe theyll help you out.

I’d really hate changing specs especially after masterworking and tempering so much.

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once again, blizz doesn’t care about your time, been that way since d3. Bash is pretty much the only late-game viable build for barb.

Considering how fast the bar is filled vs the time it take to kill the boss, if you really want to push pit ladder, you probably want a build with a very strong single target damage with some half decent AOE … I don’t play barb so I can’t help you much more but that’s my feeling (I don’t try to push it myself neither, standing a 60-65).

Roll minion necro, press blood mist when entering the boss area, watch pets kill it in 2 seconds, collect loot, repeat.

Sorry for not being more helpful but that’s how I solved the issue of my sorc lol :smiley:

They have nerfed the WW-DustDevil so hard after the PTR that it is probably no better than pit 60. This is the limit.


Is it the Shadow effects that are killing you? I found that Run-Speed is really good on these bosses to dodge shadow summons. I also had to train myself (as a barb) not to go full-ham-face-smash-tank… I can go in, then back out while shadow summons are sworming the screen and use Leap to get back to the boss. Any conditional effects are gold to get tat stagger bar.

Yup, :100: :100: :100:

It’s why the first thing I ask when people are stuck at 60 if they are fully Masterworked at 8/12. Oddly, people don’t want to answer… hmmm… :thinking:

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I’m at 64, with everything at 4/12 barring a couple at 5 and 6/12.

The problem isn’t lack of damage or survivability (although they’re quite a sponge at that level), it’s the stupid shadow clone lillith pull in slow and 1 shot, that i have no way of getting out of unless i massively hinder my dps by not using my golem active ability until that mechanic.

I don’t run blood mist or a normal summon build (haven’t even looked at what they are), but my army does a prettt decent job, and having 8/12 wouldn’t make it any easier.

Going up to 8/12 absolutely makes a massive difference. I’m in the 90s with an atypical summoner build. When I crossed over into 8/12 on more items, things just magically got easier. I shot up 10 levels. I expect to top out around 105-110 with improvements and more Masterwork.

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its a pain in the read, my friend is playing ww too, he is struggling at 75

my only recommendation would be masterwork everything you can and try your luck with holy bolt elixir.

yeah i have like 1 8/12 the rest are generally 2/12 3/12 cuz i am pretty lazy…

i am kind of stuck around 80 right now, i think i need to farm a bit more

My WW ds dust devil barb is pushing 80. A few things that helped me get there:

  • just focus on getting your gear to 8/12 or close to it before starting pit 60+ it’ll make it so much easier.
  • Stack lots of health from gear and paragon points. Right now I have 60k unbuffed. With the 15% health pot you can get from the quest in gear kul I have 72k
  • You can get nice damage reduction from undaunted, ire, and territorial glyphs. All 3 will get you 30% DR and that’s not counting other DR from the board.
  • On helm, chest and pants you can have + ranks on defense passive skills. For my helm and chest I got an extra 7 ranks of martial vigor which totals 40% DR against elites.

All of these things combined make me super tanky to the point I can take a hit from the Lilith abilities and just about survive. It does sacrifice a lot of DPS though which is what I’m working on balancing out.

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I played bash to level. Its viable around 50-60 so about 2 hours into leveling.

It might be earlier but I was leveling to fast to pay attention.

If you are refusing to have/save a CC breaker then that is really a you-issue, not the game. Every class has a number of ways to get out of CC.

I agree that pits are really unbalanced and the 1shot meta sucks but the above is still a you/build problem.

It’s a DPS race basically, so increase your DPS and stay out of the shadow barf consuming the entire screen and you’ll be ok.